Primary and Secondary Data
Primary and Secondary Data
Primary data is data that you have collected and analysed yourself. Secondary data is data that has already been collected by another person.

Primary data
Primary data
- Primary data refers to data that has been collected firsthand by the researcher.
- Examples of primary data include:
- Taking measurements.
- Questionnaires.
- Interviews.

Examples of primary data
Examples of primary data
- Actual product analysis.
- This is analysing how a product functions and looks.
- Disassembly.
- To take a product fully apart to see how it fits together or functions.
- Material testing.
- How strong or durable is the material.

Secondary data
Secondary data
- Secondary data refers to data that has been collected before by another person.
- Examples of secondary data include:
- Books, magazines and web pages.
- Data and statistics from companies, the government or researchers.
- Work of existing designers or other pupils.
- Media outlets such as the news, radio and TV.