
Paper & Board: Surface Treatments & Finishes

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Surface Treatments and Finishes

Surface finishes are an important addition to paper and boards. Sometimes the aesthetics are the main reason why a product is successful which is why surface treatments are an important aspect to consider.

Illustrative background for EmbossingIllustrative background for Embossing ?? "content


  • Embossing is the process in which certain areas in cards are raised to add further interest and a high-quality feel.
  • The raised areas create a real texture that the end user can feel and this is commonly used in greeting and Christmas cards.
Illustrative background for GlossIllustrative background for Gloss ?? "content


  • Gloss finishes can bring about high quality or luxury feel to a product.
  • These can be applied as a separate roller during offset lithography.
  • Sometimes during Easter chocolate eggs packaging retains a glossy feel which in turn can make the product look luxurious.
  • Perfume packages need to look eye-catching on the shelf and as there are heavy spotlights used on perfumes so the packaging needs to look luxurious in a range of lighting situations.
Illustrative background for UV varnishingIllustrative background for UV varnishing ?? "content

UV varnishing

  • UV varnishing is a technique that offers a high gloss finish that is then cured/dried when exposed to UV light.
  • UV coatings are very visual and really reflective which are great to use on business cards and greeting cards.
Illustrative background for PrintingIllustrative background for Printing ?? "content


  • Printing on top of a card can significantly increase the visibility and define the product.
  • Using CMYK colours and some digital methods, companies now can print business cards, leaflets and posters on many surfaces.
  • This can enhance and add value to a business as brand identity is absolutely key when advertising your ideas.
  • Packaging is often printed and business’ spend time and money to ensure that they stand out from competitors, printing goes a long way in ensuring this happens.

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