
The Crucifixion

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The Crucifixion

A few years after the start of his pubic ministry, the Roman authorities executed Jesus.

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  • The form of Jesus' execution was by crucifixion.
    • Crucifixion was an incredibly brutal form of execution.
    • It involved tying, or nailing someone to a cross, and leaving them on public view until they died.
    • Often crucified people died either of thirst or asphyxiation (suffocation).
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  • Death from crucifixion could take days, but the Gospels say Jesus died with about 6 hours.
  • This was probably because Jesus was weak from being punished beforehand:
    • Jesus was scourged (whipped) repeatedly.
    • Jesus was forced to carry his own cross to the place of crucifixion.
    • Jesus was also made to wear a crown of thorns.
  • After Jesus' death, his friends buried his body in a sealed tomb.
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Why was Jesus executed?

  • The official charge against Jesus was that he was a rebel leader who claimed to be a king.
  • This would have been a challenge to the authority of Rome, and Romans were often quick to execute rebels.
    • But, most Christians believe that Jesus had no intention to rebel against the authorities.
    • The reasons for the execution are actually more complex than the accusation that Jesus was a rebel leader.
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Religious reasons for Jesus' execution

  • The greatest challenge Jesus presented was the radical nature of his teaching. These went against many of the teachings of the Jewish leadership of his time.
    • Also, any suggestion that Jesus was the son of God was blasphemy – an offence against God.
    • Blasphemy was a crime that often brought the death penalty in Jesus' time.
    • For this reason, the religious authorities pushed for Jesus’ execution.
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Political reasons for Jesus' execution

  • From the point of view of the Romans, this religious conflict threatened to stir up trouble in the region.
  • The Romans may not have been interested in the religious issues, but the conflict was dangerous to the peaceful and easy running of the region.
  • To the Roman authorities, the death of one man was unimportant if it helped avoid bigger problems.

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