
The Jewish Scriptures - The Written Law

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The Jewish Scriptures - The Written Law

In Traditional (Orthodox) Judaism there are two main texts: The Written Law and The Oral Law.

Illustrative background for The TorahIllustrative background for The Torah ?? "content

The Torah

  • The Written Law is the term used to refer to the Hebrew Bible.
    • This text is made up of three sections.
  • The most important section of The Written Law is the Torah.
    • This is accepted as the direct word of God.
  • The Torah opens with the creation story.
    • The Torah then follows the development of the Jewish people from Abraham.
Illustrative background for The Torah and Nevi'imIllustrative background for The Torah and Nevi'im ?? "content

The Torah and Nevi'im

  • There are five books in the Torah.
    • The Torah ends with the Israelites at the border of the Holy Land of Israel and the death of Moses.
  • The second section of the Hebrew Bible is Nevi’im (the Prophets).
    • These people were able to receive messages directly from God.
    • They were responsible for guiding the people in God’s law and keeping them on the correct path.
Illustrative background for The Nevi'imIllustrative background for The Nevi'im ?? "content

The Nevi'im

  • The eight books in the Nevi'im continue the history of the Jewish people.
    • These texts describe the challenge of creating a homeland based on God’s laws.
  • The spiritual centre was Jerusalem with the Temple as the focus of Jewish worship.
    • There are tragic stories of corruption and destruction.
    • The first and second Temples were destroyed.
    • Ultimately the people continue their relationship with God.
Illustrative background for The KetuvimIllustrative background for The Ketuvim ?? "content

The Ketuvim

  • The third section is called the Ketuvim (the writings).
    • The Ketuvim is made up of a variety of texts by people who were inspired by God.
    • This section contains poetry, proverbs and advice for life, as well as philosophy and Psalms.
  • In Jewish life, a section of Torah is read every Shabbat, followed by a smaller section from the Neviim.
    • Some of the Ketuvim are read on festivals.
    • For example, the Book of Esther is read on Purim and Song of Songs on Passover.

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