
Pre-Islamic Arabia

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Pre-Islamic Arabia

Islam was founded in the Middle East in the 7th Century, in what is now known as Saudi Arabia.

Illustrative background for TribesIllustrative background for Tribes ?? "content


  • Arabia in the 7th century was a tribal area.
    • Tribes are groups of families who had joined together to form a tribe. Often this was for protection against others.
  • Some of these tribes were settled, meaning they lived in towns and villages.
  • But many of them were nomadic, such as the Bedouin.
    • This meant that they travelled from place to place. Often, this was to find food and water for their livestock, which included camels and goats.
Illustrative background for ConflictIllustrative background for Conflict ?? "content


  • These many tribes in Arabia were competing for scarce resources, especially water.
    • The title Bedouin comes from a term for desert dweller, and water is a rare commodity in the desert.
  • There were oases in the desert. These are places where water could be found, and where some vegetation grew.
    • The tribes would often come into conflict with each other to have access to these places. This was so they could have water for themselves and their animals.
Illustrative background for ReligionIllustrative background for Religion ?? "content


  • Most Arabs were polytheists. This means that they worshipped many gods.
  • These Gods included Hubal, who was worshipped in Mecca.
    • He was considered the greatest of over 300 idols whose shrines were built in Mecca.
    • Hubal’s image was a human with a golden hand.
Illustrative background for ShrinesIllustrative background for Shrines ?? "content


  • Many of the shrines in Mecca were on a holy site called the Kaaba. This was where many Bedouin worshipped.
    • Idol worship was common and involved the veneration (worship) of images of the Gods.
    • Sacrifices were often made to these idols as they believed it would bring them good fortune.
Illustrative background for MeccaIllustrative background for Mecca ?? "content


  • As we have seen, Mecca was an important town for these Arab tribes.
    • One of the most important tribes in Mecca was known as the Quraish.
    • It is believed that the image of the deity Hubal was a particular focus of the Quraish worship.

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