
Religion and Equality

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Religion and Equality

Christian scripture helps us to understand what religion teaches about equality.

Illustrative background for Christian scripture and equalityIllustrative background for Christian scripture and equality ?? "content

Christian scripture and equality

  • In the Book of Genesis there are contrasting ideas about the relationship between men and women.
  • In Chapter 1, God creates humans in his own image, both male and female.
    • No distinction is made about who came first, or which gender is superior.
  • However, in Chapter 2 it is said God created man first, then created woman ‘from Adam’s rib’ to be his companion.
    • Sometimes women are depicted as equal partners to men but sometimes as owing obedience to them.
Illustrative background for Christian scripture and slaveryIllustrative background for Christian scripture and slavery ?? "content

Christian scripture and slavery

  • In the early Christian period there were conflicting ideas about slavery.
  • St Paul says: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28).
    • But he also says “Slaves submit to your masters" (Ephesians 6:5).
  • Perhaps St Paul accepts the institution of slavery, but still believes God values each person equally.
  • Or perhaps he is saying that there is no place for slavery within Christianity.

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