
Criticisms of Natural Law

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Criticisms of Natural Law

Not everyone thinks the Natural Law is a good basis for deciding the right behaviour. There are various ways in which this theory has been criticised.

Illustrative background for Non-believersIllustrative background for Non-believers ?? "content


  • The most obvious group of people who might object to Natural Law are those who do not believe in God.
    • They would reject any idea of living a life in accordance with God’s plan.
    • They view this as outdated and belonging to a time when societies were based on religion.
  • Now, they say, we should live in accordance with secular values.
Illustrative background for Cultural relativismIllustrative background for Cultural relativism ?? "content

Cultural relativism

  • Is it really possible for there to be a ‘one size fits all’ morality?
    • Around the world, we see a rich variety of cultures. Each culture has different customs and rules.
  • There are many examples of cultural relativism.
Illustrative background for Examples of cultural relativismIllustrative background for Examples of cultural relativism ?? "content

Examples of cultural relativism

  • Recently, Chinese society was concerned about the population explosion in their country.
    • They decided it was best to limit reproduction, and allow families one child only.
  • Cannibalism is rejected by Christian societies because of natural law.
    • But, cannibalism has been acceptable to some cultures. They think that to behave otherwise is to waste resources.

More Criticisms of Natural Law

There are two more examples of criticisms of natural law. But, there are also responses from supporters of natural law.

Illustrative background for Survival of the fittestIllustrative background for Survival of the fittest ?? "content

Survival of the fittest

  • Some people may see different laws shown in nature.
    • For example, the scientific theory of evolution.
    • Some people say that the basic principle in nature is the survival of the fittest.
  • This could be an argument for saying that, in morality, might (strength) is right.
Illustrative background for Inflexibility Illustrative background for Inflexibility  ?? "content


  • All societies could be concerned about the inflexibility of a moral code based on fixed rules.
    • The danger with rules is that they may not always fit the circumstances.
  • For example, many Christians are opposed to abortion. Because it contravenes the principle of protecting innocent life.
    • But others argue that sometimes it is more caring, more responsible, to allow an abortion.
    • This might be in the case of a child who would be born with severe handicaps, for example.
Illustrative background for Responses from supporters of natural lawIllustrative background for Responses from supporters of natural law ?? "content

Responses from supporters of natural law

  • Of course, supporters of the Natural Law theory would disagree with many of these objections.
  • They might say that cultural relativism is wrong.
    • For example, there might be short term gains in a one-child policy.
    • But it frustrates God’s long term plan for human development.
  • They also say that some things are always wrong, whatever the circumstances.
    • If we say, ‘it all depends’ then really there are no moral rules at all.

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