
Militant Atheism

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Militant Atheism

Militant atheism is a form of atheism that disagrees with religion. It argues that religion should not be allowed to influence people's lives.

Illustrative background for Militant atheismIllustrative background for Militant atheism ?? "content

Militant atheism

  • Some people may decide they do not believe in God but are happy that others do believe.
  • But not all atheists feel that way.
    • They are concerned that false beliefs are allowed to control many aspects of people’s lives.
    • They do not just say that God does not exist, but they also say that religious belief is dangerous and should be opposed.
    • Such thinkers may be called ‘militant atheists’.
Illustrative background for Richard Dawkins and Christopher HitchensIllustrative background for Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens ?? "content

Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens

  • Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens are two thinkers considered militant atheists.
    • Richard Dawkins is famous as a scientist, writing about evolution.
    • Christopher Hitchens was a social commentator. He wrote a book called ‘God is not great’.
  • Both these writers have been very critical of religion on a number of counts.
Illustrative background for Problems with religion: educationIllustrative background for Problems with religion: education ?? "content

Problems with religion: education

  • Militant atheism says it is dangerous to allow false beliefs to influence others.
  • One reason for this is education:
    • Militant atheists point out that there are places where creationism is still taught.
    • Creationism teaches that the world was created as described in the Book of Genesis.
    • They say children should never be taught things that are false, not least because this undermines their trust in science and in the truth.
Illustrative background for Problems with religion: conflict Illustrative background for Problems with religion: conflict  ?? "content

Problems with religion: conflict

  • Another problem militant atheists point out is conflict:
    • Some militant atheists also say that almost all the conflicts in the world are the result of religion and because of religious believers trying to impose their beliefs on others.
Illustrative background for Problems with religion: morality Illustrative background for Problems with religion: morality  ?? "content

Problems with religion: morality

  • There is also the issue of public morality:
    • There are places where religious moral rules damage the lives of the people within that society.
    • The treatment of women in some religions, for example. Or the Catholic attempts to limit the use of birth control.
Illustrative background for Not all religion is the sameIllustrative background for Not all religion is the same ?? "content

Not all religion is the same

  • Religious believers have tried to answer militant atheists. They say not all religious believers support these ideas.
    • They argue that militant atheism should be directed at the problems caused by religious fundamentalism and not at religion in general.
  • They point out that Christian morality, for example, is based on a teaching of love for others.
    • But, this does not answer the main criticism, which is that there is no scientific basis for belief in God, and so religion is based on falsehood.

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