
What is the Right Thing To Do?

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What is the Right Thing To Do?

How do we decide how to behave? When faced with matters of life and death, what is the right thing to do? It is not always obvious. We can see this by looking at a problem often used in teaching philosophy.

Illustrative background for The Trolley ProblemIllustrative background for The Trolley Problem ?? "content

The Trolley Problem

  • An out of control trolley is hurtling down a railway track and heading for five people tied to the track.
    • It will kill them all. But you are next to a lever that can divert the trolley.
    • The problem is that there is one person on the diverted track and you can’t warn them.
  • What should you do? Let events take their course, resulting in five deaths. Or, deliberately choose to kill one person instead?
Illustrative background for R v Dudley and StevensIllustrative background for R v Dudley and Stevens ?? "content

R v Dudley and Stevens

  • We can also look at an actual case from the 19th Century.
    • Adrift in a lifeboat, and at risk of dying of thirst, a group of sailors decided to kill one of their group. So they could drink his blood and survive.
    • Was this the right thing to do, to kill one person?
Illustrative background for R v Dudley and Stevens (cont.)Illustrative background for R v Dudley and Stevens (cont.) ?? "content

R v Dudley and Stevens (cont.)

  • This became a famous legal case. Because the remaining men did survive and two of them were tried and found guilty of murder.
    • Later, though, they were released after a short prison sentence. Because others decided that a verdict of murder was unjust in the circumstances.
Illustrative background for Morality in The Trolley ProblemIllustrative background for Morality in The Trolley Problem ?? "content

Morality in The Trolley Problem

  • These two scenarios point out just how hard it can be to decide what is right and just.
  • In the first example of the trolley, is the person near the lever to blame for whatever happens?
    • Perhaps it was best for that person to keep out of it.
    • Is it simply a matter of numbers?
    • Is there a difference between letting people die and deliberately killing someone?
Illustrative background for Morality in Dudley and StevensIllustrative background for Morality in Dudley and Stevens ?? "content

Morality in Dudley and Stevens

  • In the case against Dudley and Stevens we see both murder and cannibalism.
    • Most societies would say these are morally wrong.
    • But could they have been the right thing to do in the circumstances?
  • In this second case, the law saw some justification in what they did.
    • Does the law have to think about the best outcome?
    • In applying the law, do we not have to ask what would we have done?

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