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Moses is the second figure in Jewish belief who has a covenant with God.

Illustrative background for MosesIllustrative background for Moses ?? "content


  • The Ethical Monotheism (belief in the One God) of Abraham forms part of the key beliefs of the Jewish people.
    • It matters to the one true God how we behave.
  • The second foundation was the giving of God’s Laws at Mount Sinai.
    • Moses went up Mount Sinai and God gave the first ten of 613 Mitzvot (commandments).
    • The Mitzvot are opportunities to connect with God.
Illustrative background for Moses and the MitzvotIllustrative background for Moses and the Mitzvot ?? "content

Moses and the Mitzvot

  • The Jewish people were then bound in a relationship with God.
  • Jewish people are bound to God in human to human behaviour and with a set of clear duties between them and God.
  • This was God's covenant with Moses.
    • For example, keeping the Shabbat, only eating Kosher food and having daily prayer.
    • Visiting the sick, giving to charity and not gossiping create a Godly society.
Illustrative background for The two pillarsIllustrative background for The two pillars ?? "content

The two pillars

  • The twin pillars of the Abrahamic and Mosaic Covenants are accepted as relevant and binding by Orthodox Jews to this very day.
  • Jewish living reflects the details of these two Biblical Covenants.

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1.1Origins of Abrahamic Faith




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