
Criticisms of Situation Ethics

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Criticisms of Situation Ethics

Not everyone was happy with the theory of Situation Ethics, and over the years it has been subjected to many criticisms. We can examine some of them.

Illustrative background for The popularity of Situation EthicsIllustrative background for The popularity of Situation Ethics ?? "content

The popularity of Situation Ethics

  • In many ways, the theory of Situation Ethics reflected the times in which it was developed.
    • Within the counter-culture of the 60s two ideas stood out: ‘love not war’ and individualism.
  • This theory appealed because it took account of both.
    • It was based on love and allows individuals to make their own choices.
Illustrative background for The Catholic ChurchIllustrative background for The Catholic Church ?? "content

The Catholic Church

  • The Catholic Church was quick to condemn the theory, which was so at odds with Natural Law ethics.
    • It opposed the idea that one person’s subjective judgement should override the revealed will of God.
Illustrative background for SubjectivityIllustrative background for Subjectivity ?? "content


  • Other people, not necessarily religious, also thought the theory too subjective.
    • Subjective here means the decision is based on how it seems to a single individual or a small group.
  • But people and groups will often disagree.
    • And the risk is that Situation Ethics creates a free-for-all.
    • This is a world with no fixed values, just everyone doing what they think is best.
    • It could lead to moral chaos.

More Criticisms of Situation Ethics

There are numerous different ways that people have continued to criticise Situation Ethics.

Illustrative background for Consequence-based theoryIllustrative background for Consequence-based theory ?? "content

Consequence-based theory

  • Situation Ethics is a teleological, or consequence-based theory.
    • This means that the morality of an action depends on the endpoint, the outcome.
  • But many critics have argued that it is very hard to judge outcomes.
    • How do we know how our choices and actions will turn out?
    • A decision made out of love could end up leading to unnecessary suffering.
Illustrative background for The slippery slope argumentIllustrative background for The slippery slope argument ?? "content

The slippery slope argument

  • A common objection is the slippery slope argument.
    • Situation Ethics allows controversial topics, like Euthanasia.
    • The slippery slope argument says that this will lead to people giving all kinds of similar justifications.
    • And effectively, Euthanasia becomes normal.
Illustrative background for Societal structureIllustrative background for Societal structure ?? "content

Societal structure

  • It has been argued that rules are what bind a society together.
    • One thinker has likened society to a cobweb. A cobweb is incredibly strong as long as all the stands hold together.
    • But once a strand is broken it is prone to collapse.
  • Moral rules may be like that cobweb, they say.
    • They give a society its identity, but if the rules are weakened, then the society will collapse.

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