
Disability Matters

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Disability Matters

Many people are born with disabilities, or become disabled as a result of illness or accident.

Illustrative background for Disability mattersIllustrative background for Disability matters ?? "content

Disability matters

  • There are questions surrounding how society should respond to disabilities, and how society should ensure that people with disabilities have equal rights and opportunities.
  • Many organisations working for equality for disabled people say that disability limits opportunity.
    • This is mainly because of the way the community responds to people with disabilities.
  • There are three main categories of problems faced by people with disabilities.
Illustrative background for Attitudinal problems Illustrative background for Attitudinal problems  ?? "content

Attitudinal problems

  • Disabled people are often stereotyped - people make general assumptions about what they can, or cannot, do.
    • People fail to see that each person, and each disability, is individual.
  • Some people think that disabled people cannot play sport, or have a professional career.
  • It is often assumed that, when spoken to, disabled people will not respond 'normally', and that conversation will be difficult.
  • Consequently, some people ignore disabled people, and sometimes make fun of them.
Illustrative background for Institutional problems Illustrative background for Institutional problems  ?? "content

Institutional problems

  • The government funds support for disabled people, and has passed laws to guarantee disabled features such as toilets are present.
  • They could do more by outlawing discrimination against disabled people in the workplace.
  • Some employers do not hire disabled people.
    • Many presume they cannot do the same job as the able-bodied, or do not want to pay to make the workplace disabled-friendly.
  • Many other barriers prevent disabled people from living their personal and working life to the full.

Disability Matters

Many people are born with disabilities, or become disabled as a result of illness or accident.

Illustrative background for Environmental problemsIllustrative background for Environmental problems ?? "content

Environmental problems

  • This refers to the physical environment in which disabled people find themselves.
    • For example, people in wheelchairs often cannot go into shops or places of entertainment because they do not have ramps or widened entrances.
Illustrative background for Environmental problems (cont.)Illustrative background for Environmental problems (cont.) ?? "content

Environmental problems (cont.)

  • Blind people find it difficult to cross busy roads if there are no designated crossing points.
  • Travelling from one place to another is hard, and sometimes impossible for disabled people.
    • Buses, taxis, and train stations are not always adapted to accommodate those with disabilities.
Illustrative background for Disability and scriptureIllustrative background for Disability and scripture ?? "content

Disability and scripture

  • There are stories of people with disabilities in the Bible.
    • Often they reinforce the negative attitudes that disabled people sometimes face.
  • There is the idea that disability and illness is a punishment for sin.
    • Consequently, disabled people were often social outcasts, looked down upon as sinners.
  • When Jesus heals a blind man (John 9:1-12), even his own disciples wonder whether the blind man, or one of his parents, was a sinner.

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