
Morality Without God

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Morality Without God

Some religious believers argue that without God there is no guidance for morality. But, there are some atheists that argue morality is possible without God.

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Is morality possible without God?

  • Some religious people argue that without God’s rules everything is permitted, and only the strong survive.
  • But atheists do not accept this. Atheists argue that there can be other ways to decide on acceptable behaviour. There are a few famous examples of morality without God from philosophers.
Illustrative background for Utilitarianism Illustrative background for Utilitarianism  ?? "content


  • One theory on morality without God is utilitarianism.
  • Utilitarianism is a philosophy on how we should decide what is moral (right and wrong).
    • Utilitarianism says that everyone should try to act in a way that creates the most happiness for the greatest number of people.
    • Utilitarians believe that ‘happiness’ is the one thing that human beings seek above all else.
Illustrative background for AristotleIllustrative background for Aristotle ?? "content


  • Another theory on morality without God comes from Aristotle, a Greek philosopher.
    • Aristotle said that we can learn correct behaviour.
    • He says correct behaviour is often the mean (average) between two extremes.
    • For example, no one should be a coward or reckless. But courage is the virtue that lies between being reckless and being a coward.
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Morality without God

  • One problem with morality without God is that there is no consequence for bad behaviour.
    • Religions often believe heaven and hell are places of reward or punishment.
    • Atheists know they can be punished for breaking the law, but not for bad behaviour. But, the pain of guilt could be a punishment.
  • This is highlighted by a philosophy called existentialism.
    • If something a person does causes someone else to suffer, this can create painful emotions. This may cause the person to change their behaviour.

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