
The Hijrah & The Conquest of Mecca

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The Hijrah & The Return To Mecca

In the early years of Islam, Muhammad and his followers had to move across Arabia due to persecution. But, they eventually returned to the city of Mecca.

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Persecution in Mecca

  • The word Islam means submission to Allah.
  • But, most local people in Mecca did not accept Islam.
    • Muhammad's teaching asked them to significantly change their lives. To stop worshipping idols, and live more sober and law-abiding lives.
  • Those who did accept the teaching of the Qur’an became known as Muslims, including some of Muhammad’s family.
    • But the Quraish persecuted them, sometimes with violence.
    • For three years, they refused to trade with Muslims and forced them out into the desert.
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The Hijrah

  • The word Hijrah means migration.
    • The Hijrah refers to a time when Muhammad decided it was too dangerous for the early Muslims to live in Mecca.
    • This happened when it was discovered that the Quraish were plotting to kill Muhammad whilst he slept.
  • The Hijrah took place in 622, which marks the first year of the Muslim calendar.
    • The Muslims fled to a town called Medinah.
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  • In Medinah, the local tribes were willing to accept the teaching of the Qur’an, and recognise Muhammad as a prophet.
  • The Hijrah was a very important time for Islam.
    • The early Muslim community was able to feel safe in Medinah.
    • They could build places of worship (mosques) and educate their children in Islamic teachings. Generally, they could live together and grow in unity.
  • This sense of Muslim community is usually called the ummah.
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The return to Mecca

  • Once the Muslim community had grown strong enough, they began to expand the religion in Arabia.
    • This often led to conflict.
    • The early years of Islam saw many battles with the local tribes.
  • Around the year 630, Muhammad, at the head of an army of 10,000 Muslims, marched on Mecca and captured the city.
    • Despite the many wars that had been fought, Muslim history says the conquest of Mecca had minimum violence.
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The Kaaba

  • Upon the return to Mecca, all the pagan idols in Mecca were destroyed.
  • The area known as the Kaaba was rededicated to the worship of the one God, Allah.
    • In fact, it was part of the teaching of the Qur’an that the Kaaba had originally been built by Abraham.
    • Abraham is said to be the first person to accept belief in one God.
  • The Kaaba is the holiest place for Muslims, in their holiest city.
    • It is also the place to which Muslims will try to visit on pilgrimage.

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