
The Prophet Muhammad: The Final Sermon

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Muhammad's Final Sermon

When Muhammad conquered Mecca he was 60 years old, and he died 2 years later in 632. Before his death, he delivered a speech in Mecca called his Final Sermon. It is considered very important as it was Muhammad's final teaching to his followers!

Illustrative background for Teachings on men and womenIllustrative background for Teachings on men and women ?? "content

Teachings on men and women

  • The Final Sermon was quite brief. Muhammad used it to focus on some key messages for his followers.
  • He taught that Muslim men have rights over their wives.
  • But also that wives have rights over their husbands.
    • Wives had the right to be clothed, fed, and treated with kindness, and were to be understood as partners.
    • In return, wives had to remain faithful and chaste.
Illustrative background for Teachings on the Five Pillars of IslamIllustrative background for Teachings on the Five Pillars of Islam ?? "content

Teachings on the Five Pillars of Islam

  • In his final sermon, Muhammad also listed what has become known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These Five Pillars are:
    • The worship of Allah alone
    • The five daily prayers
    • Fasting during the month of Ramadan
    • The sharing of wealth with those in need
    • And pilgrimage to Mecca (for those who can afford it)
Illustrative background for Teachings on communityIllustrative background for Teachings on community ?? "content

Teachings on community

  • Muhammad also preached equality.
    • Arabs are not superior to non-Arabs, and white people are not superior to black people.
    • Muhammad said that the value of any human being lies in the quality of their deeds.
  • He also taught the importance of the ummah, the community of believers. And the need for Muslims to support each other and to live together in a just community.
    • Some of these teachings were radical for the time. Especially the relationship between men and women, and equality.
Illustrative background for Teachings on the Qur'anIllustrative background for Teachings on the Qur'an ?? "content

Teachings on the Qur'an

  • Finally, Muhammad reminded his followers that he was the final prophet of Allah.
    • And that the Qur’an was Allah’s unalterable teachings.
  • Muslims must obey the Qur’an and follow the example that Muhammad had set in his own words and deed.
    • This example is called the Sunnah of Muhammad.
Illustrative background for The HadithIllustrative background for The Hadith ?? "content

The Hadith

  • The teaching that Muslims should follow Muhammad’s example later led to collecting ‘Hadiths’.
    • Hadiths are records of Muhammad's sayings and actions.
  • This has given rise to some problems within Islam as disputes arose about which Hadiths are true.
    • It is argued that some Hadiths were exaggerated in their message.
    • This is to support a particular Muslim group over another.

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