Why do People Become Extremists?
Why do people become extremists?
Why do people become extremists?
Why do some people develop ideas that are very different from those of most people? And why do they want to force their ideas on others?

- Sometimes people teach things that are untrue.
- Often these people are in a position of authority and so others are more likely to believe them, like religious leaders for example.
- People sometimes believe these untruths because they lack the knowledge to question it.
- Some people struggling in life can be convinced that a certain group of people are to blame for their misfortune.

Literalist understanding
Literalist understanding
- Religious extremism is often the result of some people accepting exactly what is written in their holy books.
- A literal reading of some scripture, for example, would suggest that women who commit adultery should be stoned to death.
- Some literalists make no attempt to think more carefully about whether what it says is outdated or disproven.

A sense of belonging
A sense of belonging
- Most people like to belong to a group for friendship and support.
- Often the group will be our family or close friends.
- But some people join gangs to find that friendship, even when the gang is violent.
- This also happens with extremists.
- Being part of a group of extremists may allow a person to feel liked and respected.
Why do people become extremists?
Why do people become extremists?
Why do some people develop ideas that are very different from those of most people? And why do they want to force their ideas on others?

Online grooming
Online grooming
- In modern times lots of people make contacts through the internet.
- It is known that some extremists use the internet to groom new recruits.
- After gaining their trust, they then encourage their contacts to join their cause.

Looking for simple answers
Looking for simple answers
- In earlier times people imagined there were gods to explain storms and floods.
- These days some people still look for simple answers to problems.
- After the First World War, Germany suffered from poverty because of many complex reasons.
- However, Hitler said it was because of a conspiracy of Jews and Communists and many Germans accepted this.
- Looking for simple answers often leads to someone being blamed.

A case study of extremism
A case study of extremism
- ISIS is a terrorist group that tried to create an Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
- ISIS beheaded journalists and aid workers and carried out suicide bombings.
- ISIS used the internet to spread misinformation, and some young British people were attracted by the easy answers ISIS offered.
- ISIS's easy answers came from their literal interpretation of the Qur'an.
- Many hundreds of British people went to fight with ISIS.
1Year 7
1.1Origins of Abrahamic Faith
1.1.2Noah & the Flood
1.1.3The Importance of Noah
1.1.5The Covenant
1.1.6Abraham's Sacrifice
1.1.7Ibrahim's Sacrifice
1.1.8Ibrahim & Hajar
1.1.9Ibrahim & the Ka'aba
1.1.10Isaac & Jacob
1.1.11Moses & the Exodus
1.1.12The Tabernacle
1.1.13Leviticus & Sacrifice
1.1.14Teachings in Leviticus
1.1.15Jesus' Teachings
1.1.16Jesus the Rebel
1.1.17Jesus' Death & Resurrection
1.1.18The Meaning of Jesus' Sacrifice
1.1.19The Relationship Between Judaism & Christianity
1.1.20The Ka'aba
1.1.21The Prophet Muhammad
1.2.1What Do Jews Believe?
1.2.3The Jewish Scriptures - The Written Law
1.2.4The Jewish Scriptures - The Oral Law
1.2.5The Tradition of Discussion & Debate
1.2.6Orthodox Judaism
1.2.7Reform Judaism
1.2.8The Daily Practices of Orthodox & Reform Jews
1.2.9The First Temple
1.2.10The Tabernacle's Journey & End
1.2.11Orthodox & Reform Synagogues
1.2.12What is Shabbat?
1.2.13Traditional Rituals for Shabbat
1.2.14What is Pesach?
1.2.15What is Yom Kippur?
1.2.16How Have Jews Been Persecuted?
1.2.17The Persecution of the Jews Throughout History
1.2.18The Black Death
1.2.19Antisemitism in Nazi Germany
1.2.20The Holocaust
1.2.22How the Holocaust has Impacted the Jewish Identity
1.2.23Holocaust Memorial
1.3.1The Nativity
1.3.2Christian Beliefs about the Baby Jesus
1.3.3Jesus' Ministry
1.3.4The Sermon on the Mount
1.3.5The Crucifixion
1.3.6The Last Supper
1.3.7The Resurrection
1.3.8Christian Beliefs about the Resurrection
1.3.9The Council of Nicaea
1.3.10The Nicene Creed
1.3.11Saint Augustine
1.3.13The Reformation
1.3.14Christianity Today
1.3.15Evangelical Churches
1.3.16The Future of Christianity
1.4.1Religion in India
1.4.2The Caste System
1.4.4Caste & Religion
1.4.6Karma & the Cycle of Rebirth
1.4.7The Four Noble Truths
1.4.8The Three Marks of Existence
1.4.9The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path to Enlightenment
1.4.10How do Buddhists Live?
1.4.11The Four Sights
1.4.12The Buddha
1.4.13The Middle Way & Enlightenment
2Year 8
2.2.1The Prehistoric Roots of Hinduism
2.2.2Key Ideas in Hinduism
2.2.3The Caste System
2.2.4The Vedic Period
2.2.5The Upanishads
2.2.6Alexander the Great & The Mauryan Empire
2.2.7Revelation & The Sharing of Knowledge
2.2.8Understanding the Self
2.2.9Karma, Yoga & the Self
2.2.10The Divine Presence
2.2.11Hindu Statues and Icons
2.2.12British Colonialism & Gandhi
2.3.1Where Did Atheism Come From?
2.3.2The Impact of Scientific Developments
2.3.3Plato's Cave
2.3.4Challenging the Bible
2.3.5The Enlightenment
2.3.7Evolution & Religion
2.3.8Morality & God
2.3.9Morality Without God
2.3.10Frederick Nietzsche - How to Live Without Religion
2.3.11Militant Atheism
2.3.13The Future of Atheism
2.4Philosophy of Religion
2.4.1Who is God?
2.4.2Theists, Atheists & Agnostics
2.4.3Faith & Empiricism
2.4.4The Design Argument
2.4.5Is The Design Argument Convincing?
2.4.6The Cosmological Argument
2.4.7Criticisms of The Cosmological Argument
2.4.8The Problem of Evil
2.4.9Free Will Theodicy
2.4.10Soul-Making Theodicy
2.4.11Religious Experience
2.4.12Types of Religious Experience
2.4.13Criticisms of Religious Experience
3Year 9
3.1Life & Death
3.1.1What is the Right Thing To Do?
3.1.2Thomas Aquinas - Natural Law
3.1.3Building a Moral Code
3.1.4Criticisms of Natural Law
3.1.5Joseph Fletcher - Situation Ethics
3.1.6Understanding Situation Ethics
3.1.7Criticisms of Situation Ethics
3.1.8Sanctity of Life
3.1.9Quality of Life
3.1.11Moral Questions About Abortion
3.1.13Moral Questions About Euthanasia
3.1.14Capital Punishment
3.1.15Arguments Against Captial Punishment
3.1.16Animal Rights
3.1.17Alternative Views on Animal Rights
3.2.1What Does Extremism Mean?
3.2.2Extremism Explained
3.2.3Why do People Become Extremists?
3.2.4What are Conspiracy Theories?
3.2.5Why do People Believe Conspiracy Theories?
3.2.6What is Anti-Semitism?
3.2.7Anti-Semitic Stereotyping
3.2.8The Holocaust
3.2.9After the Holocaust
3.2.10Religious Fundamentalism
3.2.11The Problem of Fundamentalism
3.2.13Nationalism & Extremism
3.2.14What is a Terrorist?
3.2.15Political & Religious Terrorism
3.2.16Free Speech
3.2.17Hate Speech
3.2.18How do we Fight Extremism?
3.3.1Introduction to Equality
3.3.2Is the UK an Equal Society?
3.3.3Religion and Equality
3.3.4Interpreting the Scripture
3.3.5Racism and Scripture
3.3.6Scripture Against Racism
3.3.7The Fight for Racial Equality
3.3.8Gender Equality and Scripture
3.3.9Gender Equality; Women in Worship
3.3.10LGBTQ+ Matters
3.3.11The Fight for LGBTQ+ Equality
3.3.12Disability Matters
3.3.13The Fight for Disability Equality
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1Year 7
1.1Origins of Abrahamic Faith
1.1.2Noah & the Flood
1.1.3The Importance of Noah
1.1.5The Covenant
1.1.6Abraham's Sacrifice
1.1.7Ibrahim's Sacrifice
1.1.8Ibrahim & Hajar
1.1.9Ibrahim & the Ka'aba
1.1.10Isaac & Jacob
1.1.11Moses & the Exodus
1.1.12The Tabernacle
1.1.13Leviticus & Sacrifice
1.1.14Teachings in Leviticus
1.1.15Jesus' Teachings
1.1.16Jesus the Rebel
1.1.17Jesus' Death & Resurrection
1.1.18The Meaning of Jesus' Sacrifice
1.1.19The Relationship Between Judaism & Christianity
1.1.20The Ka'aba
1.1.21The Prophet Muhammad
1.2.1What Do Jews Believe?
1.2.3The Jewish Scriptures - The Written Law
1.2.4The Jewish Scriptures - The Oral Law
1.2.5The Tradition of Discussion & Debate
1.2.6Orthodox Judaism
1.2.7Reform Judaism
1.2.8The Daily Practices of Orthodox & Reform Jews
1.2.9The First Temple
1.2.10The Tabernacle's Journey & End
1.2.11Orthodox & Reform Synagogues
1.2.12What is Shabbat?
1.2.13Traditional Rituals for Shabbat
1.2.14What is Pesach?
1.2.15What is Yom Kippur?
1.2.16How Have Jews Been Persecuted?
1.2.17The Persecution of the Jews Throughout History
1.2.18The Black Death
1.2.19Antisemitism in Nazi Germany
1.2.20The Holocaust
1.2.22How the Holocaust has Impacted the Jewish Identity
1.2.23Holocaust Memorial
1.3.1The Nativity
1.3.2Christian Beliefs about the Baby Jesus
1.3.3Jesus' Ministry
1.3.4The Sermon on the Mount
1.3.5The Crucifixion
1.3.6The Last Supper
1.3.7The Resurrection
1.3.8Christian Beliefs about the Resurrection
1.3.9The Council of Nicaea
1.3.10The Nicene Creed
1.3.11Saint Augustine
1.3.13The Reformation
1.3.14Christianity Today
1.3.15Evangelical Churches
1.3.16The Future of Christianity
1.4.1Religion in India
1.4.2The Caste System
1.4.4Caste & Religion
1.4.6Karma & the Cycle of Rebirth
1.4.7The Four Noble Truths
1.4.8The Three Marks of Existence
1.4.9The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path to Enlightenment
1.4.10How do Buddhists Live?
1.4.11The Four Sights
1.4.12The Buddha
1.4.13The Middle Way & Enlightenment
2Year 8
2.2.1The Prehistoric Roots of Hinduism
2.2.2Key Ideas in Hinduism
2.2.3The Caste System
2.2.4The Vedic Period
2.2.5The Upanishads
2.2.6Alexander the Great & The Mauryan Empire
2.2.7Revelation & The Sharing of Knowledge
2.2.8Understanding the Self
2.2.9Karma, Yoga & the Self
2.2.10The Divine Presence
2.2.11Hindu Statues and Icons
2.2.12British Colonialism & Gandhi
2.3.1Where Did Atheism Come From?
2.3.2The Impact of Scientific Developments
2.3.3Plato's Cave
2.3.4Challenging the Bible
2.3.5The Enlightenment
2.3.7Evolution & Religion
2.3.8Morality & God
2.3.9Morality Without God
2.3.10Frederick Nietzsche - How to Live Without Religion
2.3.11Militant Atheism
2.3.13The Future of Atheism
2.4Philosophy of Religion
2.4.1Who is God?
2.4.2Theists, Atheists & Agnostics
2.4.3Faith & Empiricism
2.4.4The Design Argument
2.4.5Is The Design Argument Convincing?
2.4.6The Cosmological Argument
2.4.7Criticisms of The Cosmological Argument
2.4.8The Problem of Evil
2.4.9Free Will Theodicy
2.4.10Soul-Making Theodicy
2.4.11Religious Experience
2.4.12Types of Religious Experience
2.4.13Criticisms of Religious Experience
3Year 9
3.1Life & Death
3.1.1What is the Right Thing To Do?
3.1.2Thomas Aquinas - Natural Law
3.1.3Building a Moral Code
3.1.4Criticisms of Natural Law
3.1.5Joseph Fletcher - Situation Ethics
3.1.6Understanding Situation Ethics
3.1.7Criticisms of Situation Ethics
3.1.8Sanctity of Life
3.1.9Quality of Life
3.1.11Moral Questions About Abortion
3.1.13Moral Questions About Euthanasia
3.1.14Capital Punishment
3.1.15Arguments Against Captial Punishment
3.1.16Animal Rights
3.1.17Alternative Views on Animal Rights
3.2.1What Does Extremism Mean?
3.2.2Extremism Explained
3.2.3Why do People Become Extremists?
3.2.4What are Conspiracy Theories?
3.2.5Why do People Believe Conspiracy Theories?
3.2.6What is Anti-Semitism?
3.2.7Anti-Semitic Stereotyping
3.2.8The Holocaust
3.2.9After the Holocaust
3.2.10Religious Fundamentalism
3.2.11The Problem of Fundamentalism
3.2.13Nationalism & Extremism
3.2.14What is a Terrorist?
3.2.15Political & Religious Terrorism
3.2.16Free Speech
3.2.17Hate Speech
3.2.18How do we Fight Extremism?
3.3.1Introduction to Equality
3.3.2Is the UK an Equal Society?
3.3.3Religion and Equality
3.3.4Interpreting the Scripture
3.3.5Racism and Scripture
3.3.6Scripture Against Racism
3.3.7The Fight for Racial Equality
3.3.8Gender Equality and Scripture
3.3.9Gender Equality; Women in Worship
3.3.10LGBTQ+ Matters
3.3.11The Fight for LGBTQ+ Equality
3.3.12Disability Matters
3.3.13The Fight for Disability Equality

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