
Animal Rights

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Animal Rights

Life and death moral questions usually focus on human beings. But there is also a moral debate about the status of animals.

Illustrative background for Animals and humansIllustrative background for Animals and humans ?? "content

Animals and humans

  • Many people accept the process of evolution.
    • As a result, they might say that human beings are just another species of animal.
    • So, to distinguish human rights from animal rights is artificial.
Illustrative background for SentienceIllustrative background for Sentience ?? "content


  • At the very least, people recognise that one thing we have in common with animals is sentience.
    • Sentience means that we are both capable of suffering and feeling pain.
  • Perhaps this alone should make us think hard about how animals are treated.
Illustrative background for Dominion over animalsIllustrative background for Dominion over animals ?? "content

Dominion over animals

  • Animals are referred to in the Book of Genesis.
    • Some say that they are created by God to serve the needs of human beings.
    • It says that human beings "may rule over the fish... and the birds...over the livestock and all the wild animals" (Genesis 1:26).
  • We know that through history human beings have used animals for many reasons.
    • For food, kept as pets, and sometimes used for experimentation.
    • Some believe this is what God intended.
Illustrative background for StewardshipIllustrative background for Stewardship ?? "content


  • Others point to the idea of stewardship found in the Bible.
    • Psalm 24:1 says 'The Earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it."
  • This idea suggests not dominion over animals, but the duty to care for them and for all God’s creation.
    • This highlights the duty of religious people to support environmentalism.
    • This means a duty to protect the planet rather than exploit it.

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