
The Future of Atheism

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The Future of Atheism

We have seen the progression from religious belief to atheism and humanism. But is there another step on this intellectual journey?

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Questions for atheism

  • There are a number of questions for the future of atheism to consider:
    • If a human is just a body, and there is no everlasting soul, what makes up a human person?
    • What is human intelligence? Is the brain like a computer and do human beings behave as dictated by their programming?
  • These are big and important questions. They are the focus of some of the most recent thinking by modern philosophers.
    • Such as Daniel Dennett, an American philosopher and scientist, born in 1942.
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  • We have seen the developing focus on the human mind.
    • And now, some philosophers are asking whether technology may be able to help humans increase their intellectual abilities and their moods.
  • If so, there are potential benefits.
    • Great advances in science and medicine could be made.
    • If mood can be controlled, then perhaps anger and warlike attitudes can be suppressed.
    • This could lead to a more peaceful world.
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Artificial intelligence

  • If the human mind is a computer, then it could be possible to use artificial intelligence to enhance the mind.
    • Perhaps a human being is just their mind. After all, bodies change and decay.
    • In this case, human minds could be uploaded into a computer programme allowing the person to live on when their bodies have died.
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Artificial intelligence (cont.)

  • Artificial intelligence may not be immortality as promised by religion, but certainly human longevity!
    • Artificial intelligence (very sophisticated robots) may come to be recognised as people. The idea of a person in terms of biology could be abandoned.
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A brave new world?

  • The term ‘Brave New World’ was the title of a novel by Aldous Huxley. It is about a world that used technology to engineer intelligence.
    • It is an example of a dystopian novel, one where the outcomes of the story alarm the writer.
  • The idea of transhumanism suggests the possibility of a new kind of human existence.
    • Without the idea of God, human beings can focus on improving themselves and their society. By using technological advances.
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Questions on technological advancement

  • But there are also big questions about these technological advancements:
    • Does it change what we understand as human beings in a fundamental way?
    • Is it possible to develop a set of rules that will say what developments are right and wrong?
    • Have we come to a point where questions of right and wrong no longer apply?
    • Should human beings want to live forever?

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