
Leviticus & Sacrifice

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Leviticus and Sacrifice

The Israelites were to become “a Kingdom of priests and a holy nation” {Exodus 19}. The Israelites were destined to set up a model country based on God’s laws in the Holy Land of Israel. Some of these laws are written in the book of Leviticus, part of the Torah (Jewish Scripture).

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The Torah

  • The laws in the Torah are rules about everyday life as well as duties to show loyalty to God (like prayer, fasting & studying scripture).
    • God wanted the Israelites to be “Holy”.
    • Holy means different things to different people.
  • Scholars say that holy means being self-controlled.
    • God wanted his people to live normally, to eat, drink, marry, have families, work and earn money.
    • At the same time, all this must be done with control and within the rules set by God.
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  • The third book of the Torah, Leviticus, teaches very specific laws to do with animal sacrifices.
    • A person who sinned deliberately, had to make one kind of sacrifice.
    • A person who sinned accidentally had to make a different kind of sacrifice.
    • If a person wanted to thank God for good fortune they would bring another kind of sacrifice.
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  • Sacrifice can be hard for us to understand - the idea of taking something of value and giving it away.
    • In fact, the Hebrew word Korban (which is often translated as sacrifice) means to come close.
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Sacrifice rituals

  • When you love someone and share what you have with them, you build a relationship and feel closer to them.
    • Leviticus doesn't mean that God wants animal sacrifices.
    • It is about the giving of valuable things to others.
  • Through these rituals, a person could be forgiven by God, strengthening their connection to God.

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