
Arte y arquitectura - Comprehension

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Arte y arquitectura

Illustrative background for GoyaIllustrative background for Goya ?? "content


  • De Roncesvalles, en los Pirineos navarros, seguimos nuestro viaje en la comunidad autónoma de Aragón, que es donde nació el gran pintor Goya, que vivió a caballo entre los siglos XVIII y XIX.
    • From Roncesvalles, in the Navarrese Pyrenees, we continue our trip in the autonomous community of Aragon, which is the birthplace of Goya, who lived in between the 18th and 19th centuries.
Illustrative background for La corte real españolaIllustrative background for La corte real española ?? "content

La corte real española

  • Aunque Goya era de Aragón, pronto se trasladó a Madrid donde fue un pintor muy de moda y trabajó allí pintando retratos para la corte real española.
    • Although Goya was from Aragon, he soon moved to Madrid where he was a very fashionable painter and worked there painting portraits for the Spanish royal court.
Illustrative background for “Saturno devorando a sus hijos” Illustrative background for “Saturno devorando a sus hijos”  ?? "content

“Saturno devorando a sus hijos”

  • Uno de los cuadros más emblemáticos de Goya, el “Saturno devorando a sus hijos” inspiró Guillermo del Toro para su película “El laberinto del fauno”.
    • One of the most emblematic paintings of Goya, the so-called “Saturn devouring his children” inspired Guillermo del Toro for his film "The Labyrinth of the Faun”.
Illustrative background for El muralismoIllustrative background for El muralismo ?? "content

El muralismo

  • Si cruzamos el charco y nos vamos a la América Latina, encontramos el muralismo. El muralismo es una forma de expresión artística que se manifesta en pintar grandes murales normalmente en paredes de edificios.
    • If we cross the Atlantic and go to Latin America, we find muralism. Muralism is a form of artistic expression that manifests itself in painting large murals normally on building walls.
Illustrative background for GleoIllustrative background for Gleo ?? "content


  • Hay varios muralistas pero me inclino por la gran muralista Gleo, nacida en Colombia y cuya pasión es decorar los edificios modernos y feos para transformarlos en obras de arte al aire libre.
    • There are several muralists but I prefer the great muralist Gleo, born in Colombia and whose passion is to decorate the modern and ugly buildings to transform them into works of art in the open air.
Illustrative background for El arte sudamericano contemporáneoIllustrative background for El arte sudamericano contemporáneo ?? "content

El arte sudamericano contemporáneo

  • Gleo es una de las exponentes no solo del muralismo, sino del arte sudamericano contemporáneo. Ella sabe combinar los colores tradicionales de las culturas sudamericanas.
    • Gleo is one of the examples not only of muralism, but of contemporary South American art in general. She is knows how to combine the traditional colours of South American cultures.
Illustrative background for Los detractores del muralismoIllustrative background for Los detractores del muralismo ?? "content

Los detractores del muralismo

  • Sin embargo, el muralismo también tiene sus detractores y hay quienes opinan que sus obras no son nada más que “grafiti” que ensucia las paredes.
    • However, muralism also has its detractors and there are those who think that their works are nothing more than "graffiti" that makes the walls dirty.

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1Los valores tradicionales y modernos

2El ciberespacio

3La igualdad de los sexos

4La inmigración

5El racismo

6La convivencia

7La influencia de los ídolos

8La identidad regional en España

9El patrimonio cultural

10El Laberinto del Fauno



12.1Definite & Indefinite

12.2El with Feminine Nouns

12.3Lo + Adjective





13.4Comparative & Superlative

13.5Use of Adjectives as Nouns




13.9Interrogative & Exclamative


14Numerals & Quantifiers



15.2Object: Direct & Indirect


15.4Unstressed & Stressed Forms

15.5Position & Order







16.1Regular Conjugations

16.2Regular & Irregular Verbs

16.3Agreement of Verb & Subject

16.4Use of Hay Que in All Tenses

16.5Present Tense

16.6Preterite Tense

16.7Imperfect Tense

16.8Future Tense

16.9Conditional Tense

16.10Perfect Tense

16.11Future Perfect Tense

16.12Conditional Perfect Tense

16.13Pluperfect Tense

16.14Infinitive, Gerund & Past Participle

16.15Verbal Paraphrases

16.16Use of the Subjunctive


16.18Conditional Sentences

16.19After Conjunctions of Time

16.20After Para Que, Sin Que

16.21In Relative Clauses

16.22After Other Subordinating Conjunctions

16.23With Verbs of Wishing & Commanding

16.24Sequence of Tense in Indirect Speech


16.26Use of the Reflexives as a Passive

16.27Use of the Reflexive to Express an Impersonal

16.28Use of Ser + Past Participle

16.29Use of Estar + Past Participle

16.30'Nuance' Reflexive Verbs

16.31Modes of Address

16.32Constructions with Verbs

16.33Verbs Followed by an Infinitive

17Prepositions & Conjunctions

17.1All Prepositions

17.2'Personal' a

17.3Discrimination of Por and Para

17.4Coordinating Conjunctions

17.5Subordinating Conjunctions

17.6Use of Que to Introduce a Clause

18Negation, Questions & Commands


19Word Order, Other Constructions & Discourse Marker

19.1Subject Following Verb


19.3Time Expressions with Hace/Hacía

19.4Cleft Sentences

19.5Comparative Constructions

19.6Indirect Speech

19.7Discourse Markers

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