
Las medidas contra el racismo

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Las medidas contra el racismo

Illustrative background for Campañas de concienciaciónIllustrative background for Campañas de concienciación ?? "content

Campañas de concienciación

  • Existen toda una serie de medidas que muchos gobiernos y varias organizaciones adoptan para intentar frenar el aumento del racismo, la xenofobia y la intolerancia.
    • There are a whole series of measures that many governments and various organizations are taking to try to curb the increase in racism, xenophobia and intolerance.
Illustrative background for Concienciar a la poblaciónIllustrative background for Concienciar a la población ?? "content

Concienciar a la población

  • Hay varias campañas de concienciación, como la campaña de “Piensa, actúa, denuncia” puesta en marcha por la organización SOS Racismo que ayuda a concienciar sobre la intolerancia.
    • There are several awareness campaigns, such as the “Think, act, report” campaign launched by the SOS Racismo organization which helps raise awareness about intolerance.
Illustrative background for Integración socialIllustrative background for Integración social ?? "content

Integración social

  • Otras medidas incluyen las de integración social para hacer que los inmigrantes se sientan seguros y parte de la sociedad donde viven y trabajan o tomar unas medidas informativas.
    • Other measures include social integration measures to make immigrants feel safe and part of the society where they live and work, and also informational measures.
Illustrative background for Medidas informativasIllustrative background for Medidas informativas ?? "content

Medidas informativas

  • Se toman para informar al público sobre la legislación antirracista vigente con anuncios publicitarios en las pantallas de los estadios de fútbol, donde se han producido varios casos de insultos racistas.
    • These are taken to inform the public about current anti-racist legislation through advertisements on the screens of football stadiums, where there have been several cases of racist insults.
Illustrative background for El 21 de marzoIllustrative background for El 21 de marzo ?? "content

El 21 de marzo

  • El día 21 de marzo se celebra el Día contra la Discriminación Racial y suelen hacerse manifestaciones para concienciar con eslóganes como “Sólo existe una raza, la raza humana”.
    • On March 21 the Day against Racial Discrimination is celebrated and demonstrations are held to raise awareness with slogans such as "There is only one race, the human race."
Illustrative background for #NoSoyUnVirusIllustrative background for #NoSoyUnVirus ?? "content


  • En 2020 no se pudieron organizar manifestaciones a causa de la pandemia. Por eso, se apoyó la campaña “#NoSoyUnVirus” lanzada por Amnistía Internacional para defender la comunidad china.
    • In 2020, demonstrations could not be held due to the pandemic. So, people supported the campaign "#IAmNotAVirus" launched by Amnesty International to defend the Chinese community.

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1Los valores tradicionales y modernos

2El ciberespacio

3La igualdad de los sexos

4La inmigración

5El racismo

6La convivencia

7La influencia de los ídolos

8La identidad regional en España

9El patrimonio cultural

10El Laberinto del Fauno



12.1Definite & Indefinite

12.2El with Feminine Nouns

12.3Lo + Adjective





13.4Comparative & Superlative

13.5Use of Adjectives as Nouns




13.9Interrogative & Exclamative


14Numerals & Quantifiers



15.2Object: Direct & Indirect


15.4Unstressed & Stressed Forms

15.5Position & Order







16.1Regular Conjugations

16.2Regular & Irregular Verbs

16.3Agreement of Verb & Subject

16.4Use of Hay Que in All Tenses

16.5Present Tense

16.6Preterite Tense

16.7Imperfect Tense

16.8Future Tense

16.9Conditional Tense

16.10Perfect Tense

16.11Future Perfect Tense

16.12Conditional Perfect Tense

16.13Pluperfect Tense

16.14Infinitive, Gerund & Past Participle

16.15Verbal Paraphrases

16.16Use of the Subjunctive


16.18Conditional Sentences

16.19After Conjunctions of Time

16.20After Para Que, Sin Que

16.21In Relative Clauses

16.22After Other Subordinating Conjunctions

16.23With Verbs of Wishing & Commanding

16.24Sequence of Tense in Indirect Speech


16.26Use of the Reflexives as a Passive

16.27Use of the Reflexive to Express an Impersonal

16.28Use of Ser + Past Participle

16.29Use of Estar + Past Participle

16.30'Nuance' Reflexive Verbs

16.31Modes of Address

16.32Constructions with Verbs

16.33Verbs Followed by an Infinitive

17Prepositions & Conjunctions

17.1All Prepositions

17.2'Personal' a

17.3Discrimination of Por and Para

17.4Coordinating Conjunctions

17.5Subordinating Conjunctions

17.6Use of Que to Introduce a Clause

18Negation, Questions & Commands


19Word Order, Other Constructions & Discourse Marker

19.1Subject Following Verb


19.3Time Expressions with Hace/Hacía

19.4Cleft Sentences

19.5Comparative Constructions

19.6Indirect Speech

19.7Discourse Markers

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