
Modelos - Comprehension

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Illustrative background for Mujeres fuertesIllustrative background for Mujeres fuertes ?? "content

Mujeres fuertes

  • Por lo menos, la mayoría transmite una imagen de mujer fuerte e independiente, ¿no crees?
    • At least, most convey an image of a strong and independent woman, don't you think?
Illustrative background for Estereótipos machistasIllustrative background for Estereótipos machistas ?? "content

Estereótipos machistas

  • Todo lo contrario. Por mucho que intenten que las modelos parezcan liberadas, se les use como objetos para admirar y tienen que llevar maquillaje perfecto. Esto no anula los estereotipos machistas.
    • On the contrary. As much as they try to make the models seem liberated, they are used as objects to admire and they have to wear perfect makeup. This does not nullify the macho stereotypes.
Illustrative background for Ser jóvenes hoyIllustrative background for Ser jóvenes hoy ?? "content

Ser jóvenes hoy

  • Sí, es cierto que entre las redes sociales, las modelos y la influencia del culto a la celebridad, debe de ser difícil ser una persona joven.
    • Yes, it is true that with social networks, models and the influence of the cult of celebrity, it must be difficult to be a young person.
Illustrative background for La razón de los selfiesIllustrative background for La razón de los selfies ?? "content

La razón de los selfies

  • Estoy totalmente de acuerdo. Fíjate en la cantidad de selfies que se hacen los jóvenes hoy en día, solo para conseguir una foto para impresionar a los demás.
    • I totally agree. Look at the number of selfies young people take today, just to get a photo to impress others.
Illustrative background for Hábitos superficialesIllustrative background for Hábitos superficiales ?? "content

Hábitos superficiales

  • A veces pienso que es lo único que les motiva a comprar conjuntos, o salir o incluso viajar. ¡Es tan superficial!
    • Sometimes I think that is the only thing that motivates them to buy outfits, or go out, or even to travel. It's so shallow!
Illustrative background for PeligrosIllustrative background for Peligros ?? "content


  • No es solo superficial, también puede ser peligroso.
    • It is not only superficial, it can also be dangerous.
  • Sí, tienes toda la razón.
    • Yes, you are absolutely right.
Illustrative background for Trastornos alimenticiosIllustrative background for Trastornos alimenticios ?? "content

Trastornos alimenticios

  • Si no fuera por la industria de la moda, seguro que no habría tantísimos casos de trastornos alimenticios, como la anorexia y la bulimia.
    • If it were not for the fashion industry, surely there would not be so many cases of eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia.
Illustrative background for Salud mentalIllustrative background for Salud mental ?? "content

Salud mental

  • Si la gente joven, y los no tan jóvenes, no tuvieran que preocuparse tanto de su aspecto físico, su salud mental sería otra cosa.
    • If young people, and the not-so-young, didn't have to worry so much about their physical appearance, their mental health would be very different.

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1Los valores tradicionales y modernos

2El ciberespacio

3La igualdad de los sexos

4La inmigración

5El racismo

6La convivencia

7La influencia de los ídolos

8La identidad regional en España

9El patrimonio cultural

10El Laberinto del Fauno



12.1Definite & Indefinite

12.2El with Feminine Nouns

12.3Lo + Adjective





13.4Comparative & Superlative

13.5Use of Adjectives as Nouns




13.9Interrogative & Exclamative


14Numerals & Quantifiers



15.2Object: Direct & Indirect


15.4Unstressed & Stressed Forms

15.5Position & Order







16.1Regular Conjugations

16.2Regular & Irregular Verbs

16.3Agreement of Verb & Subject

16.4Use of Hay Que in All Tenses

16.5Present Tense

16.6Preterite Tense

16.7Imperfect Tense

16.8Future Tense

16.9Conditional Tense

16.10Perfect Tense

16.11Future Perfect Tense

16.12Conditional Perfect Tense

16.13Pluperfect Tense

16.14Infinitive, Gerund & Past Participle

16.15Verbal Paraphrases

16.16Use of the Subjunctive


16.18Conditional Sentences

16.19After Conjunctions of Time

16.20After Para Que, Sin Que

16.21In Relative Clauses

16.22After Other Subordinating Conjunctions

16.23With Verbs of Wishing & Commanding

16.24Sequence of Tense in Indirect Speech


16.26Use of the Reflexives as a Passive

16.27Use of the Reflexive to Express an Impersonal

16.28Use of Ser + Past Participle

16.29Use of Estar + Past Participle

16.30'Nuance' Reflexive Verbs

16.31Modes of Address

16.32Constructions with Verbs

16.33Verbs Followed by an Infinitive

17Prepositions & Conjunctions

17.1All Prepositions

17.2'Personal' a

17.3Discrimination of Por and Para

17.4Coordinating Conjunctions

17.5Subordinating Conjunctions

17.6Use of Que to Introduce a Clause

18Negation, Questions & Commands


19Word Order, Other Constructions & Discourse Marker

19.1Subject Following Verb


19.3Time Expressions with Hace/Hacía

19.4Cleft Sentences

19.5Comparative Constructions

19.6Indirect Speech

19.7Discourse Markers

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