Emerging Powers - Brazil
Brazil - Economic, Political and Military
Brazil - Economic, Political and Military
Brazil has a large volume of natural resources, but it has not been particularly stable politically since 2010.

Economic characteristics
Economic characteristics
- Brazil is a regional power in South America and produces half of the region’s GDP.
- Its economy is growing and is predicted to grow by 2.3% in 2018.
- However, it relies on primary products for export and this is considered less stable than manufacturing.
- It has huge natural resource reserves.
- It is self-sufficient in food and energy and has been a net exporter of oil since 2011.
- It has a large oil and gas sector and is the world’s 10th largest oil producer.

Political characteristics
Political characteristics
- Brazil has been politically less stable in recent years. It has had protests every year since 2013.
- Recently a 10-day strike of Brazil’s truckers saw the country grind to a halt as nothing was transported around the country.
- There is growing unrest because of government spending cuts and accusations of government corruption.
- Dilma Rousseff, the 36th President of Brazil, found herself impeached in a growing corruption scandal involving the Brazilian upper classes.

Military characteristics
Military characteristics
- Brazil makes up 60% of South America’s total military budget.
- But Brazil’s military spending is significantly lower than that of the other BRIC nations.
- As a percentage of GDP, the total military expenditure has been falling since 1985.
- In 2017 Brazil spent 2.166% of its GDP on its military according to the World Bank.
Brazil - Cultural, Demographic and Environmental
Brazil - Cultural, Demographic and Environmental
Brazil has a global cultural influence and has favourable demographics over the next few years.

Cultural characteristics
Cultural characteristics
- Brazil has global cultural influence through its world-famous Rio carnival and through sports.
- Hosting the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic games in 2016 has helped increase Brazil’s global influence.
- However, its national language, Portuguese, is unlikely to be used globally, so it is hard to exert its power and culture through multimedia TNCs like the USA.

Demographic characteristics
Demographic characteristics
- Brazil is arguably in a better demographic position than many of the other BRIC nations.
- It has a young population with a median age of 31.3 in 2015.
- However, the fertility rate is falling and fell from 6 in 1960 to 1.8 in 2015. If this decline continues, an ageing population could result.

Environmental characteristics
Environmental characteristics
- Brazil faces major environmental issues- namely deforestation of the Amazon rainforest.
- The Amazon rainforest is home to 13% of the world’s biodiversity.
- Brazil does support global initiatives, such as the UN Global Climate Change Conference however it needs to deal with its own environmental issues too.

The Amazon rainforest
The Amazon rainforest
- Brazil managed to see an 80% decrease in large-scale deforestation of the Amazon between 2004-2012 by increasing law enforcement, expanding protected areas and recognizing indigenous tribes and their territories.
- They managed to achieve this whilst increasing production of cattle and soy. These were two of the main causes of deforestation.
- However, between 2015-2017, Brazil’s deforestation rate has doubled again as the political unrest means the law enforcement efforts have relaxed.
1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.2Natural Disasters
1.3Natural Disaster Case Studies
1.4Trends & Patterns
2Option 2A: Glaciated Landscapes & Change
2.1Glaciated Landscapes Over Time
2.2Periglacial Landscapes
2.3Glacial Processes
2.4Glacial Landforms
3Option 2B: Coastal Landscapes & Change
3.1Coastal Landscapes
3.2Coastal Erosion & Deposition
3.3Coastal Risks
4.2Negatives of Globalisation
4.3Global Shift
4.6Measuring Development
5Option 4A: Regenerating Places
5.1Types of Economies
5.2Function of Places
5.4Regeneration Case Studies
6Option 4B: Diverse Places
6.1Population Structure
6.2Past & Present Connections
6.3Urban & Rural Spaces
6.5Urban & Rural Case Studies
6.6Case Study - Tower Hamlets
6.7Case Study - Sturton-le-Steeple
7The Water Cycle & Water Insecurity (A2 only)
7.1Hydrological Processes Global to Local
7.2Influences on the Water Cycle
7.3Water Insecurity
8The Carbon Cycle & Energy Security (A2 only)
8.1The Carbon Cycle
8.2Energy Consumption
8.3Alternative Energy
8.4Growing Demand for Resources
9Superpowers (A2 only)
9.2Hard & Soft Power
9.2.1Hard & Soft Power
9.2.2Emerging Powers - China Rivalry
9.2.3Emerging Powers - Chinese Sources of Power
9.2.4Emerging Powers - Brazil
9.2.5Emerging Powers - Russia
9.2.6Emerging Powers - India
9.2.7Theories of Development
9.2.8Power Case Studies: Chinese One Belt One Road
9.2.9Power Case Studies: Pakistan Nuclear Arms
9.2.10Power Case Studies: OPEC
9.3IGOs, TNCs & Alliances
10Option 8A: Health & Human Rights (A2 only)
10.1Human Development
10.2Role of Governments & IGOs
10.3Human Rights
11Option 8B: Migration & Identity (A2 only)
11.1Globalisation & Migration
11.2Consequences of Migration
11.3Nation States
11.4Responses to Global Migration
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1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.2Natural Disasters
1.3Natural Disaster Case Studies
1.4Trends & Patterns
2Option 2A: Glaciated Landscapes & Change
2.1Glaciated Landscapes Over Time
2.2Periglacial Landscapes
2.3Glacial Processes
2.4Glacial Landforms
3Option 2B: Coastal Landscapes & Change
3.1Coastal Landscapes
3.2Coastal Erosion & Deposition
3.3Coastal Risks
4.2Negatives of Globalisation
4.3Global Shift
4.6Measuring Development
5Option 4A: Regenerating Places
5.1Types of Economies
5.2Function of Places
5.4Regeneration Case Studies
6Option 4B: Diverse Places
6.1Population Structure
6.2Past & Present Connections
6.3Urban & Rural Spaces
6.5Urban & Rural Case Studies
6.6Case Study - Tower Hamlets
6.7Case Study - Sturton-le-Steeple
7The Water Cycle & Water Insecurity (A2 only)
7.1Hydrological Processes Global to Local
7.2Influences on the Water Cycle
7.3Water Insecurity
8The Carbon Cycle & Energy Security (A2 only)
8.1The Carbon Cycle
8.2Energy Consumption
8.3Alternative Energy
8.4Growing Demand for Resources
9Superpowers (A2 only)
9.2Hard & Soft Power
9.2.1Hard & Soft Power
9.2.2Emerging Powers - China Rivalry
9.2.3Emerging Powers - Chinese Sources of Power
9.2.4Emerging Powers - Brazil
9.2.5Emerging Powers - Russia
9.2.6Emerging Powers - India
9.2.7Theories of Development
9.2.8Power Case Studies: Chinese One Belt One Road
9.2.9Power Case Studies: Pakistan Nuclear Arms
9.2.10Power Case Studies: OPEC
9.3IGOs, TNCs & Alliances
10Option 8A: Health & Human Rights (A2 only)
10.1Human Development
10.2Role of Governments & IGOs
10.3Human Rights
11Option 8B: Migration & Identity (A2 only)
11.1Globalisation & Migration
11.2Consequences of Migration
11.3Nation States
11.4Responses to Global Migration

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