River Regimes
The Yukon
The Yukon
Different rivers experience different variation in discharge. The following factors affect flows of the Yukon:

- The Yukon River flows through Alaska.
- Conditions in Alaska are highly variable across the seasons. In the winter, conditions are near polar, but temperatures soar in the summer.
- The Yukon River flows through different types of climate including tundra and mountain.

- In winter, precipitation is frozen.
- This causes the Yukon's flow to be low.
- In summer, there is precipitation that does not freeze and also snowmelt of the winter’s precipitation.
- This causes the Yukon's flow to be high.

Human influence
Human influence
- As the area is a largely natural landscape, there is very little human influence on the river’s flow.
The Amazon
The Amazon
Different rivers experience different variation in discharge. The following factors affect flows of the Amazon:

- The Amazon River flows through the Amazon rainforest where the climate is tropical.
- Although the Amazon has a relatively consistent high temperature and rate of precipitation, there is some seasonal precipitation that leads to a lower river discharge.
- The temperature and high biodiversity lead to very high levels of evapotranspiration.

- Consistent temperatures and rainfall create a largely consistent river flow. Some lower rainfall in September and December leads to a lower river flow.
- La Niña and El Niño years also produce changes in rainfall, which affects river discharge levels.

Human influences
Human influences
- Deforestation affects interception, infiltration and surface runoff increasing the flow.
- Large dams used by Brazilian cities for both hydroelectric power and irrigation can cause more discharge above the dam and a reduced flow below the dam.
The Murray-Darling
The Murray-Darling
Different rivers experience different variation in discharge. The following factors affect flows of the Murray-Darling:

- The Murray-Darling is in Australia where the climate is seasonal sub-tropical.
- Most of the Murray-Darling's basin is in a rain shadow.
- This means that the basin is surrounded by mountains that collect most of the region's rain. This can cause periods of prolonged drought.
- The tributaries to the north experience a monsoon climate, whilst the southern tributaries experience temperate climate.
- There are wet (Aug-Nov) and dry (Jan-Apr) seasons that cause high and low river flows respectively.

- There is a high seasonal variability for the Murray-Darling’s discharge because of the clear wet and dry seasons.
- The river is also impacted by the changes in rainfall patterns during La Niña and El Niño years.
- La Niña brings cooler than normal sea surface temperatures and wetter weather to Australia.
- El Niño brings the opposite; less rainfall.

Human influence
Human influence
- Water is drawn from the Murray-Darling for use in Australia’s cities and also to irrigate farms.
- The natural flow paths of the river have been altered for human access, which has led to loss of habitat for local animals and a decline in quality of water.
1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.2Natural Disasters
1.3Natural Disaster Case Studies
1.4Trends & Patterns
2Option 2A: Glaciated Landscapes & Change
2.1Glaciated Landscapes Over Time
2.2Periglacial Landscapes
2.3Glacial Processes
2.4Glacial Landforms
3Option 2B: Coastal Landscapes & Change
3.1Coastal Landscapes
3.2Coastal Erosion & Deposition
3.3Coastal Risks
4.2Negatives of Globalisation
4.3Global Shift
4.6Measuring Development
5Option 4A: Regenerating Places
5.1Types of Economies
5.2Function of Places
5.4Regeneration Case Studies
6Option 4B: Diverse Places
6.1Population Structure
6.2Past & Present Connections
6.3Urban & Rural Spaces
6.5Urban & Rural Case Studies
6.6Case Study - Tower Hamlets
6.7Case Study - Sturton-le-Steeple
7The Water Cycle & Water Insecurity (A2 only)
7.1Hydrological Processes Global to Local
7.2Influences on the Water Cycle
7.3Water Insecurity
8The Carbon Cycle & Energy Security (A2 only)
8.1The Carbon Cycle
8.2Energy Consumption
8.3Alternative Energy
8.4Growing Demand for Resources
9Superpowers (A2 only)
9.2Hard & Soft Power
9.2.1Hard & Soft Power
9.2.2Emerging Powers - China Rivalry
9.2.3Emerging Powers - Chinese Sources of Power
9.2.4Emerging Powers - Brazil
9.2.5Emerging Powers - Russia
9.2.6Emerging Powers - India
9.2.7Theories of Development
9.2.8Power Case Studies: Chinese One Belt One Road
9.2.9Power Case Studies: Pakistan Nuclear Arms
9.2.10Power Case Studies: OPEC
9.3IGOs, TNCs & Alliances
10Option 8A: Health & Human Rights (A2 only)
10.1Human Development
10.2Role of Governments & IGOs
10.3Human Rights
11Option 8B: Migration & Identity (A2 only)
11.1Globalisation & Migration
11.2Consequences of Migration
11.3Nation States
11.4Responses to Global Migration
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1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.1Tectonic Processes & Hazards
1.2Natural Disasters
1.3Natural Disaster Case Studies
1.4Trends & Patterns
2Option 2A: Glaciated Landscapes & Change
2.1Glaciated Landscapes Over Time
2.2Periglacial Landscapes
2.3Glacial Processes
2.4Glacial Landforms
3Option 2B: Coastal Landscapes & Change
3.1Coastal Landscapes
3.2Coastal Erosion & Deposition
3.3Coastal Risks
4.2Negatives of Globalisation
4.3Global Shift
4.6Measuring Development
5Option 4A: Regenerating Places
5.1Types of Economies
5.2Function of Places
5.4Regeneration Case Studies
6Option 4B: Diverse Places
6.1Population Structure
6.2Past & Present Connections
6.3Urban & Rural Spaces
6.5Urban & Rural Case Studies
6.6Case Study - Tower Hamlets
6.7Case Study - Sturton-le-Steeple
7The Water Cycle & Water Insecurity (A2 only)
7.1Hydrological Processes Global to Local
7.2Influences on the Water Cycle
7.3Water Insecurity
8The Carbon Cycle & Energy Security (A2 only)
8.1The Carbon Cycle
8.2Energy Consumption
8.3Alternative Energy
8.4Growing Demand for Resources
9Superpowers (A2 only)
9.2Hard & Soft Power
9.2.1Hard & Soft Power
9.2.2Emerging Powers - China Rivalry
9.2.3Emerging Powers - Chinese Sources of Power
9.2.4Emerging Powers - Brazil
9.2.5Emerging Powers - Russia
9.2.6Emerging Powers - India
9.2.7Theories of Development
9.2.8Power Case Studies: Chinese One Belt One Road
9.2.9Power Case Studies: Pakistan Nuclear Arms
9.2.10Power Case Studies: OPEC
9.3IGOs, TNCs & Alliances
10Option 8A: Health & Human Rights (A2 only)
10.1Human Development
10.2Role of Governments & IGOs
10.3Human Rights
11Option 8B: Migration & Identity (A2 only)
11.1Globalisation & Migration
11.2Consequences of Migration
11.3Nation States
11.4Responses to Global Migration

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