
The Demand for Equality

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The Demand for Equality in Afghanistan

Rights for women have been affected by the Taliban, but are slowly improving.

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The Taliban's views

  • During the 1980s and 1990s, the rights of women were curtailed by the Taliban.
  • They enforced their version of Sharia law.
Illustrative background for Women's rightsIllustrative background for Women's rights ?? "content

Women's rights

  • Women and girls were banned from going to school or studying, working, leaving the house without a chaperone, showing their skin in public, accessing healthcare delivered by men and standing for public office.
  • Punishments for transgression were brutal.
  • Since 2001 women’s rights have slowly improved, although there are still parts of the country under the control of Islamic fundamentalists.

The Demand for Equality in Australia

Immigration is carefully controlled and treatment of Aboriginal people has gone against human rights.

Illustrative background for ImmigrationIllustrative background for Immigration ?? "content


  • Immigration into the country is carefully controlled.
  • It is governed by the need for specific skills.
  • Over 40% of Australians originate from countries that are not the UK or Ireland.
  • Refugees and asylum seekers are prevented from entering the country and are held on offshore islands.
Illustrative background for Aboriginal peopleIllustrative background for Aboriginal people ?? "content

Aboriginal people

  • Aboriginal people are the original indigenous Australians that were there before British people arrived.
  • The treatment of Aboriginal people (2% of the population) is still an issue.
    • There are problems regarding education and access to health care.

The Demand for Equality in Bolivia

Bolivia is ethnically diverse but most indigenous people live in poverty and women are often victims of violence.

Illustrative background for Ethnic diversityIllustrative background for Ethnic diversity ?? "content

Ethnic diversity

  • Bolivia is a highly ethnically diverse country in Latin America – there are 35 different ethnic groups.
  • 60% are white, 30% are mestizo (mixed race) with 10% of indigenous origin.
  • Since 1990 there has been a move, led by President Morales, to recognise indigenous identity and culture.
  • Most indigenous people remain marginalised and live in poverty.
Illustrative background for Women's rightsIllustrative background for Women's rights ?? "content

Women's rights

  • Levels of abuse and violence against women are among the highest in the world.
  • Maternal mortality is also the highest in South America.
  • Women play a subordinate role in Bolivian society with low levels of education and human rights.

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