
Superpowers - Political & Military Power

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Superpowers - Political Power

Superpowers can have extraordinary political power.

Illustrative background for Trade blocs and IGOsIllustrative background for Trade blocs and IGOs ?? "content

Trade blocs and IGOs

  • With the rise of globalisation, it is rare for a country to hold much influence on their own. It is much more common for countries to exert power through their membership of trade blocs or IGOs.
  • Examples of these organisations that have global influence are the EU, OECD and the G20.
Illustrative background for G20Illustrative background for G20 ?? "content


  • The G20 is the ‘club’ of the 20 largest economies in the world.
  • It has become more significant as emerging countries have grown.
  • The G20 members now represent half of the world’s population.

Superpowers - Military Power

Historically, military power has been a very important factor in superpower status. Prussia was powerful for decades in the 1800s because of its supreme military force. Today, soft power may be more important.

Illustrative background for Measuring military powerIllustrative background for Measuring military power ?? "content

Measuring military power

  • Historically, the number of troops or ships in the military was the best indicator of a country's ability to attack others or defend itself from threats.
  • It is important to recognise however that in the 21st century, defence spending may reveal more than the size of the military.
  • As military technology has become increasingly important, a country may not have the most soldiers but it may spend a significant amount on complex military equipment to exert its power.
Illustrative background for Nuclear powerIllustrative background for Nuclear power ?? "content

Nuclear power

  • In the modern era, it is likely that any war involving two countries with nuclear weapons would cause 'mutually assured destruction.
  • A nuclear power fighting a non-nuclear power would be likely to win instantly if they wanted to.
  • Countries with nuclear weapons are the USA, Britain, Russia, France, China, India, Israel, Pakistan and potentially North Korea.

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