
Geopolitical Interventions

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Official Development Assistance (ODA)

There are different forms of geopolitical intervention in defence of human rights. Geopolitical interventions are the exercise of a country’s power in order to influence the course of events outside its borders. ODA is one intervention.

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  • ODA is given to the least developed countries through multilateral or bilateral schemes financed by developed countries.
  • The target set by the OECD for bilateral aid is 0.7% of GNI.
  • Bilateral schemes allow donor countries to pursue their own agenda and to target their aid.
  • Multilateral aid schemes do not, in theory, allow such motives.
  • But, the world’s most powerful countries do influence multilateral donors.
    • E.g. the World Bank.
Illustrative background for Forms of ODAIllustrative background for Forms of ODA ?? "content

Forms of ODA

  • Much is in the form of loans of money. But, these attract interest and require repayment.
  • Receiving countries therefore often enter a downward spiral of debt.
  • More valuable ODA is in the form of technical assistance – the transfer of expertise, technology and education.
  • These tend to dominate ‘bottom-up’ development projects.

Geopolitical Interventions Giving Mutual Benefits

There are interventions that involve things like increased levels of trade or encouraging foreign investment so that both participants benefit.

Illustrative background for Mutual benefit interventionsIllustrative background for Mutual benefit interventions ?? "content

Mutual benefit interventions

  • Strengthening security and stability e.g. fighting terrorism.
  • Promoting international trade and protecting trade routes.
  • Accessing resources e.g. investment in new mines or power developments.
  • Encouraging inward investment of FDI.
  • Providing military aid (e.g. training) and support (e.g. equipping), including direct action (e.g. against insurgents and terrorists).
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  • Increased levels of favourable trade can help countries develop.
  • E.g. the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a regional agreement relating to free trade and economic co-operation within that region.
  • E.g. The Doha Development Agenda, aimed at lowering trade barriers e.g. by allowing agricultural products from developing countries to enter the EU and the USA in return for importing manufactured goods and services.
  • The Fairtrade Foundation seeks to obtain a fair price for a wide range of goods exported by developing countries.
Illustrative background for Trade sanctionsIllustrative background for Trade sanctions ?? "content

Trade sanctions

  • Trade embargoes and sanctions can slow down development.
    • E.g. the recent trade embargo on Iran due to its alleged violation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

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