
Personality Types

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Personality Types

Although everyone is different, generally speaking, we can group the personalities of performers into 2 groups:

Illustrative background for IntrovertsIllustrative background for Introverts ?? "content


  • Introverts are usually shy, quiet and thoughtful.
  • Introverts do not need a high level of arousal.
  • Introverts can easily become over-aroused.
Illustrative background for ExtrovertsIllustrative background for Extroverts ?? "content


  • Extroverts are sociable, enthusiastic, talkative and get bored easily.
  • Extroverts need high levels of arousal to motivate them and to prevent boredom.

Personality Types and Sports

Different personality types may be suited to playing different kinds of sports.

Illustrative background for ExtrovertsIllustrative background for Extroverts ?? "content


  • Extroverts usually play team sports that are fast-paced (basketball/football), need low concentration and use gross skills (power and strength).
  • Extroverts are usually leaders within a team because of their social skills and confidence.
Illustrative background for IntrovertsIllustrative background for Introverts ?? "content


  • Introverts usually play individual sports because they are self-motivated (i.e. they do not need others to motivate them). Examples include badminton players and marathon runners.
  • Introverts play sports that need:
    • Concentration and precision (fine skills).
    • Low arousal.

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1Applied Anatomy & Physiology

2Movement Analysis

3Physical Training

4The Principles of Training

5Using Data

6Sports Psychology

7Socio-cultural Influences

8Health & Fitness

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