
The Mechanics of Breathing

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Inhaling is the process of breathing in air by increasing the volume (amount of space within) of the chest cavity. The following changes happen to help increase the chest cavity volume:

Illustrative background for Contraction of intercostalsIllustrative background for Contraction of intercostals ?? "content

Contraction of intercostals

  • When we inhale, the intercostals (muscles between the ribs) contract. This causes the rib cage to rise up and outwards.
Illustrative background for Contraction of diaphragmIllustrative background for Contraction of diaphragm ?? "content

Contraction of diaphragm

  • When we inhale, the diaphragm (the dome-shaped muscle at the base of the chest cavity) also contracts and flattens out.


Exhaling is the process of breathing out by reducing the volume of the chest cavity. Exhalation is passive because the muscles just relax.

Illustrative background for Relaxation of intercostalsIllustrative background for Relaxation of intercostals ?? "content

Relaxation of intercostals

  • When we exhale, the intercostal muscles relax. This causes the rib cage to fall and decreases the volume of the chest cavity.
Illustrative background for Relaxation of diaphragmIllustrative background for Relaxation of diaphragm ?? "content

Relaxation of diaphragm

  • When we exhale, the diaphragm (the dome-shaped muscle at the base of the chest cavity) relaxes.

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