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Guidance on Performance

There are 4 main types of guidance that can be offered to performers.

Illustrative background for VisualIllustrative background for Visual ?? "content


  • Visual guidance is when the performer can see something.
Illustrative background for VerbalIllustrative background for Verbal ?? "content


  • Verbal guidance involves a coach or teacher telling a performer what they are doing well and badly.
Illustrative background for ManualIllustrative background for Manual ?? "content


  • Manual guidance involves physically moving the performer.
Illustrative background for MechanicalIllustrative background for Mechanical ?? "content


  • Mechanical guidance involves using mechanical aids to help a performer.

Visual Guidance on Performance

Guidance on performance can be offered to performers visually. This is when the performer can see something. This could be a demonstration, a DVD, still images, photographs or posters.

Illustrative background for Beginners Illustrative background for Beginners  ?? "content


  • For beginners, visual guidance is important because the performer often needs to see what the desired skill should look like to try to copy it.
  • Demonstrations need to be:
    • Clear, concise, quick, easy to understand and of a realistic standard.
Illustrative background for Elite performersIllustrative background for Elite performers ?? "content

Elite performers

  • For elite performers, visual guidance comes into play when performers watch themselves on video to look at their technique.
  • Elite performers also use visual guidance when looking at video analysis of their future opponents.

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2Movement Analysis

3Physical Training

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6Sports Psychology

7Socio-cultural Influences

8Health & Fitness

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