
Long-Term Effects of Exercise

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Long-Term Effects of Exercise on Muscles

Exercise can result in the following improvements to muscular performance:

Illustrative background for Muscle sizeIllustrative background for Muscle size ?? "content

Muscle size

  • By training anaerobically, the body will also increase in muscular size (hypertrophy).
  • This happens when a performer trains using heavy weights at a high intensity. They can do repetitions (lifts per set) and sets (cycles of repetitions) to build muscle mass and develop muscular strength.
  • This would include a low amount of repetitions and a high amount of sets (4x6).
Illustrative background for Joint flexibilityIllustrative background for Joint flexibility ?? "content

Joint flexibility

  • Over time, the tendons (attach muscle to bone) and ligaments (attach bone to bone) surrounding a joint become stronger.
  • This makes the joint more stable during movement, which reduces the chance of becoming injured.
  • By repeating movements at joints, a performer can increase the flexibility at the joint.
Illustrative background for Muscular enduranceIllustrative background for Muscular endurance ?? "content

Muscular endurance

  • Training can be manipulated (changed in a certain way) to develop muscular endurance.
  • By training anaerobically, a performer can develop muscle definition (shape) over time.
  • Training anaerobically includes doing a high amount of repetitions and a low amount of sets (15x3).

Long-Term Effects of Exercise - Cardiovascular Gains

If a performer trains at a lower and more repetitive intensity over a period of time, then they will improve their cardiovascular endurance (the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to your body tissues).

Illustrative background for Hypertrophy of the heartIllustrative background for Hypertrophy of the heart ?? "content

Hypertrophy of the heart

  • The heart is a muscle. This means that when made to work at a higher intensity than usual over a period of time, it will develop and grow in size.
  • This is called hypertrophy of the heart. A stronger heart will need to beat less often as it can eject (pump out) more blood with each beat (increase in stroke volume).
Illustrative background for Cardiovascular enduranceIllustrative background for Cardiovascular endurance ?? "content

Cardiovascular endurance

  • Running, cycling and swimming are all examples of activities that require cardiovascular endurance.
Illustrative background for BradycardiaIllustrative background for Bradycardia ?? "content


  • If the heart has a better stroke volume, the heart will need to beat less often at rest (heart rate) to produce the same cardiac output (volume of blood pumped out).
  • We call this bradycardia, where resting heart rate is lower because of long-term exercise.

Body Image and Performance

Exercise can also make an athlete feel and perform better.

Illustrative background for Weight lossIllustrative background for Weight loss ?? "content

Weight loss

  • Regular exercise will cause weight loss. This is because the body breaks down fat stores to use the glucose for energy.
Illustrative background for Increased performanceIllustrative background for Increased performance ?? "content

Increased performance

  • If a performer trains using fast anaerobic movements (e.g. sprinting), they can increase their speed.
  • Exercises that help achieve this include short sprints, bounding and box jumps.

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1Applied Anatomy & Physiology

2Movement Analysis

3Physical Training

4The Principles of Training

5Using Data

6Sports Psychology

7Socio-cultural Influences

8Health & Fitness

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