
Controlling & Optimising Arousal

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Controlling Arousal

Fine skills need a low level of arousal because performers must be accurate and precise. Gross skills need a higher level of arousal because performers must be powerful and strong. It is important for performers to be able to control and optimise levels of arousal so that they can execute their skills.

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Controlling arousal

  • Some techniques for controlling arousal include:
    • Mental rehearsal, visualisation or imagery (mental/cognitive).
    • Positive self talk (mental/cognitive).
    • Selective attention (mental/cognitive).
    • Deep breathing (physical/somatic).
      • Can be used before performance to help calm nerves or during performance to help narrow focus.
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Optimising arousal

  • Because different skills need different levels of arousal, performers need to be able to control and optimise their arousal levels.
    • E.g. when footballers take penalties, they need to calm their arousal so that they don't become too excited and strike the ball too hard or miss the target.

Mental Rehearsal

Mental rehearsal can also be called visualisation or imagery. Performers often visualise (picture) themselves in their own minds in order to control their arousal.

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Mental rehearsal

  • A performer pictures themselves performing the skill perfectly before they actually perform it.
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  • Performers can use this technique in the following situations:
    • To control arousal before taking a conversion in rugby.
    • To control arousal before throwing a javelin.
    • To control arousal before taking a penalty in football.

Positive Self Talk

Self talk is a mental (cognitive) technique where performers reassure themselves by talking to themselves in their own head.

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Confidence in ability

  • Performers use this technique to reassure themselves of their ability, tell themselves they are doing well and build their confidence in a particular skill.
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Uses of self talk

  • This is used in a range of sports:
    • A golfer would use this technique to reassure themselves that they will make a difficult putt.
    • A basketball player would motivate himself when taking a free throw under pressure.

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