
Analysing Adverts

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Analysing Adverts

It is important to discuss media language, contextual factors (such as the time period the advert was made), how people, places and issues are represented and relevant issues of industry and audience.

Illustrative background for Layout and designIllustrative background for Layout and design ?? "content

Layout and design

  • Layout refers to how the advert is constructed on the page.
  • For example:
    • Which aspects of the advert are most prominent.
    • How/why are certain parts of the advert are combined with each other.
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House style

  • Elements that could make the brand easily recognisable such as a logo, colour scheme or typography used are referred to as having a ‘house style’.
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Rule of thirds

  • When a frame is divided into a 3 by 3 grid, objects along the vertical or horizontal lines are given more prominence as do objects placed along the intersections.
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  • Typography is the style of font used and an important technical code.
    • E.g Serif, sans-serif, modern, classical, futuristic, gothic style.
  • Identify the connotations of the typography used in any advert.
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Example of typography

  • The typography used in this image is sans serif which has connotations of informality and modernity, it also appears to mimic a handwritten style which carries connotations of familiarity and friendliness.
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  • Another important technical code is lighting.
  • Some common types of lighting include:
    • High key, low key, spotlight, backlight, 3 point lighting, natural lighting.
  • Each type of lighting used will create a specific effect. You must identify what this is and what the producers of the advert were hoping to achieve.
    • E.g the use of a spotlight emphasises a person's importance and makes them the sole focus of the frame.

Images in Marketing and Advertising

The use of images in print and TV advertisements is carefully considered by media producers and the meanings created for audiences need to be deconstructed in detail.

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Image manipulation

  • Certain images in adverts will have been manipulated and the additional meanings created by these changes will need to be fully explained with evidence.
    • E.g. cropping, airbrushing, use of filters and effects.
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  • The placing together of two contrasting images to create a specific effect.
    • E.g. the use of a before and after shot in an advert.
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  • The use of a caption combined with an image or images to solidify its meaning and guide the audience to the preferred reading.
    • E.g. an image of a rose could have many different connotations but used along with the caption ‘I love you’ the meaning is anchored that the rose signifies love.
Illustrative background for Symbolic or visual codesIllustrative background for Symbolic or visual codes ?? "content

Symbolic or visual codes

  • Symbolic or visual codes in adverts may include:
    • Dress and costume, makeup and hair, body language and facial expression, use of colour, setting, location and use of props.
  • It is important to consider the connotations created by the symbolic/visual codes in an advert.

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