Genetic Fingerprinting
VNTRs are sections of DNA that do not code for any proteins called variable number tandem repeats. VNTRs are used in genetic fingerprinting.

- VNTRs are sections of DNA found throughout the genome.
- The sequences of VNTRs consist of a series of bases that is repeated in the same sequence many times (e.g. CAGCAGCAG).
- The number of times the sequence is repeated is varied.
- This is why VNTRs are called variable number tandem repeats.

- The number of repeats in a VNTR can vary among individuals.
- It is very unlikely that two individuals will have the exact same number of VNTRs in the same place in the genome.
- This allows comparisons to be drawn between individuals.
- VNTRs are used in this way in genetic fingerprinting.
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis is the technique used to compare the genetic fingerprints of individuals. Every individual has a different genetic fingerprint. The steps involved in this technique are:

1) Amplification
1) Amplification
- The DNA sample is extracted from the individual. This is done by taking a swab inside someone's mouth or taking a blood sample.
- The DNA sample is amplified many times using PCR (polymerase chain reaction).
- PCR generates many copies of the same sample.

2) Labelling
2) Labelling
- The DNA fragments produced from PCR are labelled using a fluorescent label.
- The label allows the DNA fragments to be identified when exposed to UV light.

3) Inserting the DNA
3) Inserting the DNA
- The many DNA fragments are inserted into a well in a gel.
- The gel is covered in a buffer solution that conducts electricity with a positively charged electrode at one end of the gel and a negatively charged electrode at the other end.
- DNA is inserted at the negative end of the gel.

4) Movement of DNA
4) Movement of DNA
- DNA is negatively charged so when an electric current is passed through the gel, the DNA will move away from the negative electrode towards the positive electrode.
- Smaller DNA fragments will move through the gel more quickly and travel further than larger fragments.

5) Ladder of DNA
5) Ladder of DNA
- The electric current is removed after approximately 10 minutes.
- The DNA fragments that are different lengths in a sample will have moved differing distances up the gel.
- The presence of DNA fragments in the gel form bands of DNA.
- The different bands of DNA in an individual sample produce a 'ladder' of DNA.

6) Identifying DNA fragments
6) Identifying DNA fragments
- The different DNA fragments in a sample can be identified by exposing the gel to UV light.
- The DNA fragments are fluorescently labelled so UV light shows the bands of DNA present.

7) Genetic fingerprinting
7) Genetic fingerprinting
- The lengths of DNA fragments are determined by the number of repeats in a VNTR.
- The number of repeats varies between individuals.
- This means the DNA fragments in an individual will move different distances and the ladder of DNA for every individual will be unique.
- The ladder of DNA in an individual is considered their genetic fingerprint.
Using Genetic Fingerprinting
Using Genetic Fingerprinting
Genetic fingerprinting has a number of applications. These include:

Genetic relationships
Genetic relationships
- Genetic fingerprinting can be used to identify the genetic relationship between individuals.
- VNTRs are inherited from an individual's parents. This means offspring will have a combination of their mother's genetic fingerprint and their father's genetic fingerprint.
- Genetic fingerprinting can be used in this way for paternity tests.

Genetic variability
Genetic variability
- Genetic variability is how much genetic diversity exists in a population.
- Genetic fingerprinting can be used to identify the genetic variability in a population.
- The more varied the genetic fingerprints of a population are (e.g. the fewer overlapping bands in gel electrophoresis), the greater the genetic variability.

Forensic science
Forensic science
- Genetic fingerprinting can be used to compare DNA at a crime scene to potential suspects.
- DNA is sampled from a crime scene and a fingerprint is produced using gel electrophoresis.
- The DNA from the scene can be used to find an individual with a closely matched genetic fingerprint.

Medical diagnosis
Medical diagnosis
- Some genetic disorders are produced from multiple mutations.
- The mutations involved in a disorder may produce a specific genetic fingerprint.
- These disorders can be diagnosed by comparing the genetic fingerprint of an individual to the genetic pattern of the condition.
- E.g. Sarcomas (a type of tumour) can be identified by comparing the genetic fingerprint of a patient's tumour to the genetic fingerprint of a known sarcoma.

- Inbreeding between animals and plants is problematic in agriculture because it reduces genetic diversity.
- Low genetic diversity increases the chance of genetic disorders and extinction.
- Inbreeding can be avoided by using genetic fingerprints.
1Biological Molecules
1.1Monomers & Polymers
1.4.1The Peptide Chain
1.4.2Investigating Proteins
1.4.3Primary & Secondary Protein Structure
1.4.4Tertiary & Quaternary Protein Structure
1.4.6Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
1.4.7Enzyme-Controlled Reactions
1.4.8End of Topic Test - Lipids & Proteins
1.4.9A-A* (AO3/4) - Enzymes
1.4.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Proteins
1.5Nucleic Acids
1.8Inorganic Ions
2.1Cell Structure
2.2Mitosis & Cancer
2.3Transport Across Cell Membrane
2.4Cell Recognition & the Immune System
3Substance Exchange
3.1Surface Area to Volume Ratio
3.2Gas Exchange
3.3Digestion & Absorption
4Genetic Information & Variation
4.1DNA, Genes & Chromosomes
4.2DNA & Protein Synthesis
4.3Mutations & Meiosis
4.4Genetic Diversity & Adaptation
4.5Species & Taxonomy
4.6Biodiversity Within a Community
4.7Investigating Diversity
5Energy Transfers (A2 only)
5.1.1Overview of Photosynthesis
5.1.2Photoionisation of Chlorophyll
5.1.3Production of ATP & Reduced NADP
5.1.4Cyclic Photophosphorylation
5.1.5Light-Independent Reaction
5.1.6A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis Reactions
5.1.7Limiting Factors
5.1.8Photosynthesis Experiments
5.1.9End of Topic Test - Photosynthesis
5.1.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis
5.3Energy & Ecosystems
6Responding to Change (A2 only)
6.1Nervous Communication
6.2Nervous Coordination
6.3Muscle Contraction
6.4.1Overview of Homeostasis
6.4.2Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.3Controlling Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.4End of Topic Test - Blood Glucose
6.4.5Primary & Secondary Messengers
6.4.6Diabetes Mellitus
6.4.7Measuring Glucose Concentration
6.4.9Controlling Blood Water Potential
6.4.11End of Topic Test - Diabetes & Osmoregulation
6.4.12A-A* (AO3/4) - Homeostasis
7Genetics & Ecosystems (A2 only)
7.3.2Natural Selection & Evolution
7.3.3End of Topic Test - Populations & Evolution
7.3.4Types of Selection
7.3.5Types of Selection Summary
7.3.6Overview of Speciation
7.3.7Causes of Speciation
7.3.9End of Topic Test - Selection & Speciation
7.3.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Populations & Evolution
8The Control of Gene Expression (A2 only)
8.2Gene Expression
8.2.1Stem Cells
8.2.2Stem Cells in Disease
8.2.3End of Topic Test - Mutation & Gene Epression
8.2.4A-A* (AO3/4) - Mutation & Stem Cells
8.2.5Regulating Transcription
8.2.7Epigenetics & Disease
8.2.8Regulating Translation
8.2.9Experimental Data
8.2.10End of Topic Test - Transcription & Translation
8.2.12Correlations & Causes
8.2.13Prevention & Treatment
8.2.14End of Topic Test - Cancer
8.2.15A-A* (AO3/4) - Gene Expression & Cancer
8.3Genome Projects
Jump to other topics
1Biological Molecules
1.1Monomers & Polymers
1.4.1The Peptide Chain
1.4.2Investigating Proteins
1.4.3Primary & Secondary Protein Structure
1.4.4Tertiary & Quaternary Protein Structure
1.4.6Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
1.4.7Enzyme-Controlled Reactions
1.4.8End of Topic Test - Lipids & Proteins
1.4.9A-A* (AO3/4) - Enzymes
1.4.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Proteins
1.5Nucleic Acids
1.8Inorganic Ions
2.1Cell Structure
2.2Mitosis & Cancer
2.3Transport Across Cell Membrane
2.4Cell Recognition & the Immune System
3Substance Exchange
3.1Surface Area to Volume Ratio
3.2Gas Exchange
3.3Digestion & Absorption
4Genetic Information & Variation
4.1DNA, Genes & Chromosomes
4.2DNA & Protein Synthesis
4.3Mutations & Meiosis
4.4Genetic Diversity & Adaptation
4.5Species & Taxonomy
4.6Biodiversity Within a Community
4.7Investigating Diversity
5Energy Transfers (A2 only)
5.1.1Overview of Photosynthesis
5.1.2Photoionisation of Chlorophyll
5.1.3Production of ATP & Reduced NADP
5.1.4Cyclic Photophosphorylation
5.1.5Light-Independent Reaction
5.1.6A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis Reactions
5.1.7Limiting Factors
5.1.8Photosynthesis Experiments
5.1.9End of Topic Test - Photosynthesis
5.1.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis
5.3Energy & Ecosystems
6Responding to Change (A2 only)
6.1Nervous Communication
6.2Nervous Coordination
6.3Muscle Contraction
6.4.1Overview of Homeostasis
6.4.2Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.3Controlling Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.4End of Topic Test - Blood Glucose
6.4.5Primary & Secondary Messengers
6.4.6Diabetes Mellitus
6.4.7Measuring Glucose Concentration
6.4.9Controlling Blood Water Potential
6.4.11End of Topic Test - Diabetes & Osmoregulation
6.4.12A-A* (AO3/4) - Homeostasis
7Genetics & Ecosystems (A2 only)
7.3.2Natural Selection & Evolution
7.3.3End of Topic Test - Populations & Evolution
7.3.4Types of Selection
7.3.5Types of Selection Summary
7.3.6Overview of Speciation
7.3.7Causes of Speciation
7.3.9End of Topic Test - Selection & Speciation
7.3.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Populations & Evolution
8The Control of Gene Expression (A2 only)
8.2Gene Expression
8.2.1Stem Cells
8.2.2Stem Cells in Disease
8.2.3End of Topic Test - Mutation & Gene Epression
8.2.4A-A* (AO3/4) - Mutation & Stem Cells
8.2.5Regulating Transcription
8.2.7Epigenetics & Disease
8.2.8Regulating Translation
8.2.9Experimental Data
8.2.10End of Topic Test - Transcription & Translation
8.2.12Correlations & Causes
8.2.13Prevention & Treatment
8.2.14End of Topic Test - Cancer
8.2.15A-A* (AO3/4) - Gene Expression & Cancer
8.3Genome Projects

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