DNA Replication
DNA Replication
DNA Replication
When a cell divides, it forms two daughter cells. This means that before cell division, the cell must duplicate its DNA so that each daughter cell can inherit the full set of DNA.

DNA replication
DNA replication
- DNA is made up of two polynucleotide strands that form a double helix.
- During DNA replication, each of the two strands are used as a template from which new strands are copied.

Semi-conservative model
Semi-conservative model
- After replication, the new DNA is made up of one original polynucleotide strand and a new, complementary strand.
- This explains why DNA replication is described as semi-conservative because one original strand is conserved.

The process of replication (1)
The process of replication (1)
- DNA helicase binds to DNA and breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two strands.
- The DNA helix unwinds and the two strands separate.

The process of replication (2)
The process of replication (2)
- Free-floating nucleotides form hydrogen bonds with the complementary bases.
- Each strand is used as a template to produce complementary strands.

The process of replication (3)
The process of replication (3)
- DNA polymerase forms phosphodiester bonds between the nucleotides.
- Two new DNA strands are synthesised.
Strands of the Double Helix
Strands of the Double Helix
Nucleotides join together to form a polynucleotide strand. Two polynucleotide strands coil together to form a double helix.

DNA strands
DNA strands
- The carbon atoms of the sugar molecule are numbered as 1′, 2′, 3′, 4′, and 5′ (1′ is read as “one prime”).
- The phosphate residue attaches to the hydroxyl group of the 5′ carbon of one sugar and the hydroxyl group of the 3′ carbon of the sugar of the next nucleotide.
- The bond is called a 5′–3′ phosphodiester linkage.

- This is called an antiparallel orientation because the helix's two strands run in opposite directions.
- The 5′ carbon end of one strand will face the 3′ carbon end of its matching strand.

DNA polymerase
DNA polymerase
- DNA polymerase catalyses the condensation reaction between the nucleotides in a DNA strand.
- DNA polymerase forms phosphodiester bonds between adjacent nucleotides.
Models of DNA Replication
Models of DNA Replication
It is important to understand how the discoveries of Watson and Crick, and later Meselson and Stahl, confirm the semi-conservative replication hypothesis of DNA replication.
 - Edited (1)-min,h_400,q_80,w_640.png)
 - Edited (1)-min,h_400,q_80,w_640.png)
Watson and Crick
Watson and Crick
- In 1953, two scientists called Watson and Crick found that specific base pairing was involved in a way of copying sequences of genetic information.
- They thought that each strand acts as a template from which the new complementary strand is copied.
- But they didn't know how replication took place.
- They proposed three models of replication including conservative replication.

Meselson and Stahl
Meselson and Stahl
- Meselson and Stahl were interested in understanding how DNA replicates.
- They grew E. coli for several generations in one medium containing a “heavy” isotope of nitrogen (15N) and another medium containing a 'light' isotope of nitrogen (14N).
- During replication, the nitrogen gets included into nitrogenous bases, and eventually into the DNA.

Isolating DNA
Isolating DNA
- After each of the first few generations, the cells were harvested and the DNA was isolated, then centrifuged.
- The DNA formed separate bands according to its density. DNA grown in "heavy" 15N formed a band lower down the centrifuge tube than that grown in "light" 14N.

The middle band
The middle band
- Meselson and Stahl moved E. coli from the 15N batch to a broth containing 14N only.
- They noted that after one generation of growth in 14N, the single band observed was in the space between DNA of cells grown exclusively in 15N and 14N.
- This suggested a semi-conservative mode of replication.

Conclusive evidence
Conclusive evidence
- The DNA harvested from cells grown for two generations in 14N formed two bands:
- One DNA band was between 15N and 14N.
- The other DNA band corresponded to the band of 14N DNA.
- These results could only be explained if DNA replicates in a semi-conservative manner.
1Biological Molecules
1.1Monomers & Polymers
1.4.1The Peptide Chain
1.4.2Investigating Proteins
1.4.3Primary & Secondary Protein Structure
1.4.4Tertiary & Quaternary Protein Structure
1.4.6Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
1.4.7Enzyme-Controlled Reactions
1.4.8End of Topic Test - Lipids & Proteins
1.4.9A-A* (AO3/4) - Enzymes
1.4.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Proteins
1.5Nucleic Acids
1.8Inorganic Ions
2.1Cell Structure
2.2Mitosis & Cancer
2.3Transport Across Cell Membrane
2.4Cell Recognition & the Immune System
3Substance Exchange
3.1Surface Area to Volume Ratio
3.2Gas Exchange
3.3Digestion & Absorption
4Genetic Information & Variation
4.1DNA, Genes & Chromosomes
4.2DNA & Protein Synthesis
4.3Mutations & Meiosis
4.4Genetic Diversity & Adaptation
4.5Species & Taxonomy
4.6Biodiversity Within a Community
4.7Investigating Diversity
5Energy Transfers (A2 only)
5.1.1Overview of Photosynthesis
5.1.2Photoionisation of Chlorophyll
5.1.3Production of ATP & Reduced NADP
5.1.4Cyclic Photophosphorylation
5.1.5Light-Independent Reaction
5.1.6A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis Reactions
5.1.7Limiting Factors
5.1.8Photosynthesis Experiments
5.1.9End of Topic Test - Photosynthesis
5.1.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis
5.3Energy & Ecosystems
6Responding to Change (A2 only)
6.1Nervous Communication
6.2Nervous Coordination
6.3Muscle Contraction
6.4.1Overview of Homeostasis
6.4.2Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.3Controlling Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.4End of Topic Test - Blood Glucose
6.4.5Primary & Secondary Messengers
6.4.6Diabetes Mellitus
6.4.7Measuring Glucose Concentration
6.4.9Controlling Blood Water Potential
6.4.11End of Topic Test - Diabetes & Osmoregulation
6.4.12A-A* (AO3/4) - Homeostasis
7Genetics & Ecosystems (A2 only)
7.3.2Natural Selection & Evolution
7.3.3End of Topic Test - Populations & Evolution
7.3.4Types of Selection
7.3.5Types of Selection Summary
7.3.6Overview of Speciation
7.3.7Causes of Speciation
7.3.9End of Topic Test - Selection & Speciation
7.3.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Populations & Evolution
8The Control of Gene Expression (A2 only)
8.2Gene Expression
8.2.1Stem Cells
8.2.2Stem Cells in Disease
8.2.3End of Topic Test - Mutation & Gene Epression
8.2.4A-A* (AO3/4) - Mutation & Stem Cells
8.2.5Regulating Transcription
8.2.7Epigenetics & Disease
8.2.8Regulating Translation
8.2.9Experimental Data
8.2.10End of Topic Test - Transcription & Translation
8.2.12Correlations & Causes
8.2.13Prevention & Treatment
8.2.14End of Topic Test - Cancer
8.2.15A-A* (AO3/4) - Gene Expression & Cancer
8.3Genome Projects
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1Biological Molecules
1.1Monomers & Polymers
1.4.1The Peptide Chain
1.4.2Investigating Proteins
1.4.3Primary & Secondary Protein Structure
1.4.4Tertiary & Quaternary Protein Structure
1.4.6Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
1.4.7Enzyme-Controlled Reactions
1.4.8End of Topic Test - Lipids & Proteins
1.4.9A-A* (AO3/4) - Enzymes
1.4.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Proteins
1.5Nucleic Acids
1.8Inorganic Ions
2.1Cell Structure
2.2Mitosis & Cancer
2.3Transport Across Cell Membrane
2.4Cell Recognition & the Immune System
3Substance Exchange
3.1Surface Area to Volume Ratio
3.2Gas Exchange
3.3Digestion & Absorption
4Genetic Information & Variation
4.1DNA, Genes & Chromosomes
4.2DNA & Protein Synthesis
4.3Mutations & Meiosis
4.4Genetic Diversity & Adaptation
4.5Species & Taxonomy
4.6Biodiversity Within a Community
4.7Investigating Diversity
5Energy Transfers (A2 only)
5.1.1Overview of Photosynthesis
5.1.2Photoionisation of Chlorophyll
5.1.3Production of ATP & Reduced NADP
5.1.4Cyclic Photophosphorylation
5.1.5Light-Independent Reaction
5.1.6A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis Reactions
5.1.7Limiting Factors
5.1.8Photosynthesis Experiments
5.1.9End of Topic Test - Photosynthesis
5.1.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis
5.3Energy & Ecosystems
6Responding to Change (A2 only)
6.1Nervous Communication
6.2Nervous Coordination
6.3Muscle Contraction
6.4.1Overview of Homeostasis
6.4.2Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.3Controlling Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.4End of Topic Test - Blood Glucose
6.4.5Primary & Secondary Messengers
6.4.6Diabetes Mellitus
6.4.7Measuring Glucose Concentration
6.4.9Controlling Blood Water Potential
6.4.11End of Topic Test - Diabetes & Osmoregulation
6.4.12A-A* (AO3/4) - Homeostasis
7Genetics & Ecosystems (A2 only)
7.3.2Natural Selection & Evolution
7.3.3End of Topic Test - Populations & Evolution
7.3.4Types of Selection
7.3.5Types of Selection Summary
7.3.6Overview of Speciation
7.3.7Causes of Speciation
7.3.9End of Topic Test - Selection & Speciation
7.3.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Populations & Evolution
8The Control of Gene Expression (A2 only)
8.2Gene Expression
8.2.1Stem Cells
8.2.2Stem Cells in Disease
8.2.3End of Topic Test - Mutation & Gene Epression
8.2.4A-A* (AO3/4) - Mutation & Stem Cells
8.2.5Regulating Transcription
8.2.7Epigenetics & Disease
8.2.8Regulating Translation
8.2.9Experimental Data
8.2.10End of Topic Test - Transcription & Translation
8.2.12Correlations & Causes
8.2.13Prevention & Treatment
8.2.14End of Topic Test - Cancer
8.2.15A-A* (AO3/4) - Gene Expression & Cancer
8.3Genome Projects

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