Primary Productivity in Farming
Primary Productivity in Farming
Farming practices attempt to maximise productivity by increasing the efficiency of energy transfer. Ways to improve primary productivity are described below.

Efficiency of energy transfer
Efficiency of energy transfer
- Farming practices are used to maximise the efficiency of energy transfer.
- This increases how much energy is available for human consumption.
- Efficiency of energy transfer is increased by:
- Simplifying food webs.
- Reducing respiratory losses.

Overcoming limiting factors
Overcoming limiting factors
- Overcoming limiting factors to photosynthesis helps to maximise primary productivity. This can be done by:
- Maximising plant exposure to light.
- Using warmer temperatures in greenhouses.
- Irrigation to maximise water supply.

- Fertilisers can be sprayed on fields to maintain nutrient levels in the soil.
- High nutrient levels in the soil help plants convert energy to biomass efficiently.

- Using pesticides removes any pests that might spoil the crop.
- Removing pests prevents the loss of biomass.
- Herbicides kill weeds and reduce competition for resources like sunlight or soil nutrients.
- Fungicides prevent fungal diseases.