The niche of a species is the role it plays in the habitat. Species have evolved to occupy a specific niche. The species is said to be well adapted to this niche.

Occupying a niche
Occupying a niche
- Species occupy a specific niche in their habitat.
- Every species has evolved to occupy one niche.
- A species cannot occupy more than one niche and two different species cannot overlap in this niche.

Adaptation to a niche
Adaptation to a niche
- Every species has evolved for a specific role (their niche).
- This means that natural selection has selected for traits that help the species survive and reproduce in their niche.
- The traits that increase the ability to survive and reproduce are called adaptations.

Types of adaptations
Types of adaptations
- Adaptations can be:
- Behavioural (e.g. the superb bird of paradise displays its wings and 'dances' to attract a mate).
- Anatomical (e.g. pelicans have a pouch-like beak which allows them to scoop fish from the water).
- Physiological (e.g. bears have special fat cells that release heat during hibernation).

Abiotic and biotic conditions
Abiotic and biotic conditions
- The types of adaptations a species evolves are driven by two conditions. These are:
- Abiotic conditions.
- Biotic conditions.
Abiotic Conditions
Abiotic Conditions
Abiotic conditions are non-living conditions in the habitat of a species. Examples include:

- Species must be well-adapted to their climate.
- E.g. Walruses live in habitats with a very cold climate. Walruses have evolved thick layers of fat as an adaptation to the climate.

- Species must be well-adapted to the light levels.
- E.g. Plants that live on the rainforest floor are shaded by many other plants. Plants have evolved special pigments in their leaves that are better at absorbing light in the shade. This is an adaptation.

Water availability
Water availability
- Species must be well-adapted to water availability.
- E.g. Plants that live in very dry habitats only open their stomata at night to reduce water loss. This is an adaptation.
Biotic Conditions
Biotic Conditions
Biotic conditions are living conditions in the habitat of a species. Examples include:

- Species must be well-adapted to the risk of predation.
- E.g. Peppered moths have evolved bodies that are the same colour as the trees they inhabit. This allows the moths to avoid detection by predators. This is an adaptation.

Interspecific competition
Interspecific competition
- Species must be well-adapted to competition with other species.
- E.g. Different species of finches have evolved different sized beaks so that they feed on different sized seeds and are not competing with each other. This is an adaptation.

Intraspecific competition
Intraspecific competition
- Species must be well-adapted to competition with individuals of the same species.
- E.g. Nightingales use birdsong to attract female mates. The quality of the song allows females to identify the best mates. This is an adaptation.
1Biological Molecules
1.1Monomers & Polymers
1.4.1The Peptide Chain
1.4.2Investigating Proteins
1.4.3Primary & Secondary Protein Structure
1.4.4Tertiary & Quaternary Protein Structure
1.4.6Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
1.4.7Enzyme-Controlled Reactions
1.4.8End of Topic Test - Lipids & Proteins
1.4.9A-A* (AO3/4) - Enzymes
1.4.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Proteins
1.5Nucleic Acids
1.8Inorganic Ions
2.1Cell Structure
2.2Mitosis & Cancer
2.3Transport Across Cell Membrane
2.4Cell Recognition & the Immune System
3Substance Exchange
3.1Surface Area to Volume Ratio
3.2Gas Exchange
3.3Digestion & Absorption
4Genetic Information & Variation
4.1DNA, Genes & Chromosomes
4.2DNA & Protein Synthesis
4.3Mutations & Meiosis
4.4Genetic Diversity & Adaptation
4.5Species & Taxonomy
4.6Biodiversity Within a Community
4.7Investigating Diversity
5Energy Transfers (A2 only)
5.1.1Overview of Photosynthesis
5.1.2Photoionisation of Chlorophyll
5.1.3Production of ATP & Reduced NADP
5.1.4Cyclic Photophosphorylation
5.1.5Light-Independent Reaction
5.1.6A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis Reactions
5.1.7Limiting Factors
5.1.8Photosynthesis Experiments
5.1.9End of Topic Test - Photosynthesis
5.1.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis
5.3Energy & Ecosystems
6Responding to Change (A2 only)
6.1Nervous Communication
6.2Nervous Coordination
6.3Muscle Contraction
6.4.1Overview of Homeostasis
6.4.2Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.3Controlling Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.4End of Topic Test - Blood Glucose
6.4.5Primary & Secondary Messengers
6.4.6Diabetes Mellitus
6.4.7Measuring Glucose Concentration
6.4.9Controlling Blood Water Potential
6.4.11End of Topic Test - Diabetes & Osmoregulation
6.4.12A-A* (AO3/4) - Homeostasis
7Genetics & Ecosystems (A2 only)
7.3.2Natural Selection & Evolution
7.3.3End of Topic Test - Populations & Evolution
7.3.4Types of Selection
7.3.5Types of Selection Summary
7.3.6Overview of Speciation
7.3.7Causes of Speciation
7.3.9End of Topic Test - Selection & Speciation
7.3.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Populations & Evolution
8The Control of Gene Expression (A2 only)
8.2Gene Expression
8.2.1Stem Cells
8.2.2Stem Cells in Disease
8.2.3End of Topic Test - Mutation & Gene Epression
8.2.4A-A* (AO3/4) - Mutation & Stem Cells
8.2.5Regulating Transcription
8.2.7Epigenetics & Disease
8.2.8Regulating Translation
8.2.9Experimental Data
8.2.10End of Topic Test - Transcription & Translation
8.2.12Correlations & Causes
8.2.13Prevention & Treatment
8.2.14End of Topic Test - Cancer
8.2.15A-A* (AO3/4) - Gene Expression & Cancer
8.3Genome Projects
Jump to other topics
1Biological Molecules
1.1Monomers & Polymers
1.4.1The Peptide Chain
1.4.2Investigating Proteins
1.4.3Primary & Secondary Protein Structure
1.4.4Tertiary & Quaternary Protein Structure
1.4.6Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity
1.4.7Enzyme-Controlled Reactions
1.4.8End of Topic Test - Lipids & Proteins
1.4.9A-A* (AO3/4) - Enzymes
1.4.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Proteins
1.5Nucleic Acids
1.8Inorganic Ions
2.1Cell Structure
2.2Mitosis & Cancer
2.3Transport Across Cell Membrane
2.4Cell Recognition & the Immune System
3Substance Exchange
3.1Surface Area to Volume Ratio
3.2Gas Exchange
3.3Digestion & Absorption
4Genetic Information & Variation
4.1DNA, Genes & Chromosomes
4.2DNA & Protein Synthesis
4.3Mutations & Meiosis
4.4Genetic Diversity & Adaptation
4.5Species & Taxonomy
4.6Biodiversity Within a Community
4.7Investigating Diversity
5Energy Transfers (A2 only)
5.1.1Overview of Photosynthesis
5.1.2Photoionisation of Chlorophyll
5.1.3Production of ATP & Reduced NADP
5.1.4Cyclic Photophosphorylation
5.1.5Light-Independent Reaction
5.1.6A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis Reactions
5.1.7Limiting Factors
5.1.8Photosynthesis Experiments
5.1.9End of Topic Test - Photosynthesis
5.1.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Photosynthesis
5.3Energy & Ecosystems
6Responding to Change (A2 only)
6.1Nervous Communication
6.2Nervous Coordination
6.3Muscle Contraction
6.4.1Overview of Homeostasis
6.4.2Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.3Controlling Blood Glucose Concentration
6.4.4End of Topic Test - Blood Glucose
6.4.5Primary & Secondary Messengers
6.4.6Diabetes Mellitus
6.4.7Measuring Glucose Concentration
6.4.9Controlling Blood Water Potential
6.4.11End of Topic Test - Diabetes & Osmoregulation
6.4.12A-A* (AO3/4) - Homeostasis
7Genetics & Ecosystems (A2 only)
7.3.2Natural Selection & Evolution
7.3.3End of Topic Test - Populations & Evolution
7.3.4Types of Selection
7.3.5Types of Selection Summary
7.3.6Overview of Speciation
7.3.7Causes of Speciation
7.3.9End of Topic Test - Selection & Speciation
7.3.10A-A* (AO3/4) - Populations & Evolution
8The Control of Gene Expression (A2 only)
8.2Gene Expression
8.2.1Stem Cells
8.2.2Stem Cells in Disease
8.2.3End of Topic Test - Mutation & Gene Epression
8.2.4A-A* (AO3/4) - Mutation & Stem Cells
8.2.5Regulating Transcription
8.2.7Epigenetics & Disease
8.2.8Regulating Translation
8.2.9Experimental Data
8.2.10End of Topic Test - Transcription & Translation
8.2.12Correlations & Causes
8.2.13Prevention & Treatment
8.2.14End of Topic Test - Cancer
8.2.15A-A* (AO3/4) - Gene Expression & Cancer
8.3Genome Projects

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