
Resynthesis of ATP

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Resynthesis of ATP

Like most chemical reactions, the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP is reversible.

Illustrative background for ATP resynthesis reactionIllustrative background for ATP resynthesis reaction ?? "content

ATP resynthesis reaction

  • The equation for the resynthesis of ATP is:
    • ADP + Pi (+ energy) → ATP + H2O
  • ATP is resynthesised by the condensation of ADP and an inorganic phosphate.
  • This reaction is catalysed by the enzyme ATP synthase during photosynthesis or respiration.
Illustrative background for Formation of ATP requires energyIllustrative background for Formation of ATP requires energy ?? "content

Formation of ATP requires energy

  • Cells rely on the regeneration of ATP just as people rely on the regeneration of spent money through some sort of income.
  • Since ATP hydrolysis releases energy, ATP regeneration must require an input of energy (just like earning money requires hard work!).

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