
T Lymphocytes

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T Lymphocytes

T lymphocyte cells are white blood cells that are involved in the cellular immune response. The steps involved in this process are:

Illustrative background for 1) Detection of antigensIllustrative background for 1) Detection of antigens ?? "content

1) Detection of antigens

  • The foreign antigens presented by phagocytes bind to specific receptors on the cell surface of T lymphocyte cells.
  • Binding of the antigens activates the T helper cells.
Illustrative background for 2) T helper cellsIllustrative background for 2) T helper cells ?? "content

2) T helper cells

  • T helper (TH) cells are a specific type of T cell that activates several cells including:
    • Phagocytes.
    • T cytotoxic (TC) cells.
    • B cells.
Illustrative background for 3) T cytotoxic cellsIllustrative background for 3) T cytotoxic cells ?? "content

3) T cytotoxic cells

  • TC cells are activated by TH cells.
  • TC cells release toxins that bind to and kill foreign cells and abnormal cells in the body.

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