
Socially Sensitive Research

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Socially Sensitive Research

Research planning involves stating any ethical issues that could be raised by conducting the research. Some of these ethical issues include socially sensitive issues such as race and psychological disorders.

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  • When planning research, psychologists must consider many things including:
    • The aim, hypothesis, method, presentation of results, what statistical tests should be done, and perhaps most importantly, ethical issues.
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Ethical issues

  • Psychologists must consider ethical issues not only for when carrying out the method, but for what the results may tell society.
    • For example, certain research findings can negatively impact individuals or groups.
    • They can also impact the participants themselves or their families.
  • Some findings may cause stereotypes or stigma to develop against these individuals or groups.
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Controversial research

  • Research into criminal behaviour has the potential to be controversial.
  • For example, research conducted on the relationship between criminal behaviour and genetics.
  • A consequence of this research is the potential use of genetics as defence for criminal behaviour.
    • For example, someone could defend murder due to genetically inherited aggression.
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Controversial research cont.

  • Another consequence could be an increase in stigma.
  • If people have a gene linked to criminal behaviour, they could be ostracised even if they do not commit crimes or participate in anti-social behaviour.

Socially Sensitive Research Cont.

Research planning involves stating any ethical issues that could be raised by conducting the research. Some of these ethical issues include socially sensitive issues such as race and psychological disorders.

Illustrative background for Genetic research Illustrative background for Genetic research  ?? "content

Genetic research

  • Genetic research has influenced psychological disorders.
  • If researchers found that a gene (or genes) was linked to a certain psychological disorder, such as schizophrenia, then compulsory genetic testing for those genes may be mandated.
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Genetic testing

  • People may not want to have to submit to genetic testing. This should be an individual’s choice.
  • Genetic testing could definitely help people, but stigma may develop for those that have the genes.
  • Anxiety and stress could also be apparent if they have the genetic potential to develop the disease, even though they may not develop it.
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  • Race, if used as an independent variable, can also be a controversial issue.
  • Studies have been published that state that there are differences in IQ based on race.
  • People question whether or not this research actually has merit or purpose.
  • The research findings could cause unnecessary social tensions, anxiety and stress.
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Race cont.

  • The research into IQ differences was discredited because there were methodological issues.
  • The researchers demonstrated bias towards certain socio-cultural groups.
  • Additionally, IQ tests, like the one developed by Yerkes (1917), have cultural bias because some of the questions require certain knowledge that is based in cultural references.
  • Low scores do not reflect low intelligence, just the lack of cultural knowledge.
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Benefits of research

  • Some argue that socially sensitive research should not be carried out at all because of these ethical issues.
  • Others disagree because research, regardless of the sensitive issues, could benefit the larger population.
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Gender roles

  • An example of socially sensitive research is research into gender roles and the primary caregiver.
    • Results have shown that fathers can be the primary caregiver.
  • This research has had a positive effect on the economy because it has influenced mothers returning to work after childbirth.

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1Social Influence




5Approaches in Psychology


7Research Methods

8Issues & Debates in Psychology (A2 only)

9Option 1: Relationships (A2 only)

10Option 1: Gender (A2 only)

11Option 1: Cognition & Development (A2 only)

12Option 2: Schizophrenia (A2 only)

13Option 2: Eating Behaviour (A2 only)

14Option 2: Stress (A2 only)

15Option 3: Aggression (A2 only)

16Option 3: Forensic Psychology (A2 only)

17Option 3: Addiction (A2 only)

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