
Biological Basis of Social Cognition

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Biological Basis of Social Cognition

Social living requires social cognition and concepts like theory of mind. These skills and capabilities have a biological basis in neuroanatomy, including mirror neurons.

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  • Neurons transmit electrical impulses around the brain and body.
  • They are used to communicate information between the brain and body.
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The brain

  • There are four main lobes of the brain, each composed of millions of neurons:
    • Occipital, parietal, frontal and temporal.
  • These lobes communicate with each other.
  • Certain processes, like visual perception or speech, involve multiple lobes of the brain.
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Social neuroscience

  • Social abilities, involving speech, communication and awareness of others, involve incredibly complex brain mechanisms.
  • These abilities evolved as our intelligence and social living grew.
  • Social neuroscience is the study of the connection between social psychology and neuroscience.
  • In other words: the social approach and the biological approach are combined.
Illustrative background for Mirror neurons Illustrative background for Mirror neurons  ?? "content

Mirror neurons

  • Mirror neurons are cells in the brain that are activated when performing an action, like picking up a pen.
  • They are also active when observing someone else do the identical action.
  • Studies like Di Pellegrino et al. (1992) have been done to record the activity of mirror neurons.
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Brain activity

  • Individual neuron activity in humans is difficult to record, therefore other techniques like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) are used.
  • This analyses brain activity when people are doing certain tasks, comparing different areas of the brain.
  • Iacoboni et al. (1999) found that the frontal and parietal cortex are active when people both carry out and observe actions.
  • Therefore, they could be possible locations of mirror neurons.
Illustrative background for Mirror neurons and empathy Illustrative background for Mirror neurons and empathy  ?? "content

Mirror neurons and empathy

  • fMRI studies of humans demonstrate that when we feel emotions like happiness or sadness, the same groups of neurons fire as when we observe these emotions in other people.
  • This suggests that mirror neurons are important in the development of empathy.

Recording Mirror Neuron Activity: Di Pellegrino et al. (1992)

Mirror neurons are neurons that fire when both performing an action and observing someone perform the same action. Electrodes were used to study the brain activity of macaque monkeys.

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  • The prefrontal cortex is an area of the brain believed to be involved in the planning and guidance of movement.
  • It is found in the frontal lobe.
  • Electrodes that record neuronal activity were inserted into individual neurons of the prefrontal cortex of macaque monkeys.
  • The activity of the neurons was monitored when the monkeys reached for food.
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  • The neurons were active both when the monkey reached for food and, unexpectedly, when the monkeys watched others reach for food.
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  • This study was the first to provide evidence for the existence of these mirror neurons, though the exact function and purpose was unclear.
  • Future studies on the mirror neurons could provide an explanation for complex social behaviour.
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  • Whenever animals are used in scientific studies, there is controversy.
  • Ethical issues are going to be especially apparent when electrodes are being inserted into the animals’ brains.
  • As this study’s purpose was not to examine mirror neurons, the findings were limited.

Mirror Neurons and Intentions: Fogassi et al. (2005)

Mirror neurons fire when both performing and observing someone perform, an action. These may be important in understanding the behaviour and actions of other people.

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Fogassi et al. (2005)

  • Mirror neurons fire when both performing an action and when observing someone perform this action.
  • These may be important in understanding the behaviour and actions of other people.
  • Fogassi et al. (2005) studied these neurons in macaque monkeys as they observed a human complete an action.
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  • Humans completed two distinct actions while being observed by macaque monkeys:
    • Picking up an apple and eating it
    • Picking up an apple and placing it in a cup.
  • The neuronal activity of 41 individual neurons of 2 macaque monkeys was recorded by using electrodes.
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  • Observing the two different actions (eat or place) of placing and eating resulted in two different sets of neurons responding. - Additionally, a certain set of neurons fired after the apple was picked up but before the second action was completed (eat or place).
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  • The set of neurons that fired before the second action was completed suggest that mirror neurons are important to help us understand the intentions of other actions.
  • The mirror neurons can also be used to predict others behaviours.
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  • Ethical issues are raised whenever animals are used in scientific studies.
  • Another critique is that the study has low ecological validity as it was carried out in a laboratory setting.
  • A final criticism is that as the study was conducted on monkeys, it is difficult to generalise the results to humans.
  • Mirror neurons in humans may respond in different ways.

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