
Psychodynamic Explanation 2

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Defence Mechanisms

There are two main psychodynamic explanations to criminal behaviour: inadequate superego and defence mechanisms.

Illustrative background for __Englander (2007)__Illustrative background for __Englander (2007)__ ?? "content

Englander (2007)

  • The second psychodynamic explanation of criminal behaviour was proposed by Englander (2007).
  • This relates to Freud’s three defence mechanisms:
    • Displacement.
    • Repression.
    • Denial.
Illustrative background for Displacement Illustrative background for Displacement  ?? "content


  • Displacement is when a negative impulse is forwarded onto something else.
    • For example, if a person has a bad day at work, then they could take out their aggression on their family.
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  • Repression is when a person ‘pushes down’ feelings that they do not want or like.
    • For example, a person that has been raped may repress their feelings of fear and anger.
Illustrative background for DenialIllustrative background for Denial ?? "content


  • Denial is when a person ignores or blocks certain events or realities from their mind.
    • For example, an alcoholic not admitting they have a drinking problem.
Illustrative background for Criminal behaviour Illustrative background for Criminal behaviour  ?? "content

Criminal behaviour

  • In terms of criminal behaviour, Englander (2007) stated that displaced anger and aggression could explain criminal acts.
  • A person may not be able to control their aggression and id, therefore the aggression becomes conscious and they act upon it.
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  • The vast majority of people feel anger and aggression regularly, however they learn to repress or deny their anger.
  • If there is some sort of triggering event (bullying, theft, car accident), then there could be enough stimulus for them to be no longer able to repress their feelings.
  • The anger and aggression could come boiling out and cause criminal behaviour.

Evaluation of the Psychodynamic Approach to Criminal Behaviour

The psychodynamic approach is quite controversial and the psychodynamic explanation to criminal behaviour is no different. There are two main issues.

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Scientific testing

  • Inability to scientifically test.
  • As the behaviours are explained by unconscious acts, it is impossible to scientifically test them.
  • They are unfalsifiable.
  • Overall, the theory is not as reliable nor as valid because of this.
Illustrative background for Case studiesIllustrative background for Case studies ?? "content

Case studies

  • The majority of the psychodynamic approach was done from case studies.
  • This is a qualitative not quantitative method.
  • Therefore, the findings cannot be generalised to the public.

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