
Overcoming the Effects of Disruption

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Skeels and Dye (1939) - Children in Orphanages & IQ Scores

Research aim: A study to investigate the importance of emotional care on intellectual development.

Illustrative background for Participants & procedureIllustrative background for Participants & procedure ?? "content

Participants & procedure

  • In a field experiment, Skeels & Dye (1939) compared the intellectual development of two groups of orphans.
    • One group was raised in a normal institution which provided adequate care and met the children’s physical needs, but the staff were too busy to give the children individual attention.
    • The other group were raised in an institution for women with mental disabilities, who gave the orphans lots of love and attention.
Illustrative background for Results & conclusion Illustrative background for Results & conclusion  ?? "content

Results & conclusion

  • Results
    • After 18 months, the IQ of children raised in the normal institution had fallen from an average 87 to 61 points, whilst the children raised by the women with mental disabilities had a corresponding average increase from 64 to 92 points.
  • Conclusion
    • This study shows the importance of emotional care for intellectual development.
Illustrative background for Evaluation Illustrative background for Evaluation  ?? "content


  • Strength
    • Practical applications for rehabilitation and therapy.
  • Limitations
    • Individual differences in the children.
    • Ethics.

Koluchova (1976) — The Case of the Czech Twin Boys

Research aim: A case study to show that early deprivation can be overcome.

Illustrative background for Andrei and Vanya's early lifeIllustrative background for Andrei and Vanya's early life ?? "content

Andrei and Vanya's early life

  • Andrei and Vanya, identical twin boys, lost their mother shortly after birth.
  • After 6 months with an aunt, where their development was recorded as normal, the boys were sent to live with their father.
  • Their stepmother was cruel and their father was intellectually challenged. The boys spent most of their time in a cellar and were regularly beaten.
Illustrative background for Boys' development after 7Illustrative background for Boys' development after 7 ?? "content

Boys' development after 7

  • When the boys were discovered at the age of 7, they were physically stunted, suffering from rickets and could not speak.
  • Doctors predicted permanent physical and mental deficits.
  • After a period of physical rehabilitation, the twins were adopted by two women who were dedicated to their recovery.
  • Within a few years, the twins had caught up with their peers and were physically and mentally as developed as them. Both went to college, had good jobs, married, and brought up families.
Illustrative background for Conclusion Illustrative background for Conclusion  ?? "content


  • Early deprivation can be overcome with dedication and patience.
Illustrative background for Evaluation Illustrative background for Evaluation  ?? "content


  • Strengths
    • Practical applications for rehabilitation and therapy.
  • Limitations
    • A case study, so cannot generalise.

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1Social Influence




5Approaches in Psychology


7Research Methods

8Issues & Debates in Psychology (A2 only)

9Option 1: Relationships (A2 only)

10Option 1: Gender (A2 only)

11Option 1: Cognition & Development (A2 only)

12Option 2: Schizophrenia (A2 only)

13Option 2: Eating Behaviour (A2 only)

14Option 2: Stress (A2 only)

15Option 3: Aggression (A2 only)

16Option 3: Forensic Psychology (A2 only)

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