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This is when a criminal commits more crimes after imprisonment. It is important to reduce recidivism for the criminals themselves and society in general.

Illustrative background for Influencing factors Illustrative background for Influencing factors  ?? "content

Influencing factors

  • There are 7 factors that influence recidivism (how likely a prisoner is to commit crime again):
    • How long they spent in prison?
    • Are they on conditional release?
      • (Release that is supervised or monitored.)
    • How well supervised they are after release?
      • (Do they have a probationary officer, how often do they visit.)
Illustrative background for Influencing factors cont.Illustrative background for Influencing factors cont. ?? "content

Influencing factors cont.

  • What their disciplinary report states?
  • How much education the prisoner has?
  • How serious was the crime they committed?
  • What the ethnicity of the prisoner is?
  • Finally, what were their individual experiences in prisons?
Illustrative background for Recidivism reductionIllustrative background for Recidivism reduction ?? "content

Recidivism reduction

  • In general in the UK, recidivism has decreased very slowly over time in adults.
  • In 2016, the rate was 28.6%, which was 1% lower than in 2005.
  • To compare, juvenile rates fell from 80% to 41.7% in the same time period.
Illustrative background for Recidivism UKIllustrative background for Recidivism UK ?? "content

Recidivism UK

  • As well, adults who served custodial sentences of less than 12 months had a proven reoffending rate of 64.9% in 2016.
  • Clearly, there are still issues with recidivism in the UK.
  • Recidivism has high costs to the economy and government.
  • Therefore, reducing recidivist rates would be of great benefit.
Illustrative background for Employment and recidivismIllustrative background for Employment and recidivism ?? "content

Employment and recidivism

  • Gillis et al. (1998) studied the link between post-imprisonment employment and how likely they were to reoffend.
  • They found that those offenders that had found employment within the first 6 months had far fewer convictions that those offenders who had not found employment.
  • It is important to note this a correlation. The causality is difficult to state definitively.

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1Social Influence




5Approaches in Psychology


7Research Methods

8Issues & Debates in Psychology (A2 only)

9Option 1: Relationships (A2 only)

10Option 1: Gender (A2 only)

11Option 1: Cognition & Development (A2 only)

12Option 2: Schizophrenia (A2 only)

13Option 2: Eating Behaviour (A2 only)

14Option 2: Stress (A2 only)

15Option 3: Aggression (A2 only)

16Option 3: Forensic Psychology (A2 only)

17Option 3: Addiction (A2 only)

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