
Evaluation of the Biological Explanation

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Evaluation of the Biological Explanation of Criminal Behaviour

Lombroso, Mednick and Raine all studied the link between biology and criminality. Overall, the biological explanation has lots of support but also some weaknesses.

Illustrative background for StrengthsIllustrative background for Strengths ?? "content


  • Many studies, including Lombroso, Mednick, Jacobs, Christiansen, and Raine, provided a lot of evidence of the role of genetics and biology in criminality.
  • Biological theories can be scientifically tested as proved by the above studies.
  • Scientific testing makes theories more reliable.
Illustrative background for WeaknessesIllustrative background for Weaknesses ?? "content


  • The role of biology cannot account for 100% of criminal behaviour.
  • This was proven by the Christiansen (1977) study on twin aggression and criminal concordance.
  • There was not 100% concordance between identical (monozygotic) twins, therefore, the environment must play a role as well.
Illustrative background for __Andrews and Bonta (2006)__Illustrative background for __Andrews and Bonta (2006)__ ?? "content

Andrews and Bonta (2006)

  • Andrews and Bonta (2006) examined concordance rates between biological parents and adopted children.
  • They stated that the concordance rates may not be directly due to genetics.
  • Rather, inherited emotional instability or mental illness could indirectly result in criminal behaviour.
Illustrative background for Reductionist and deterministIllustrative background for Reductionist and determinist ?? "content

Reductionist and determinist

  • The biological explanation has been criticised for being too reductionist and too deterministic.
    • Reductionist means boiling down behaviour to one simple process or structure.
    • Deterministic means that behaviour is not due to free will but rather set cause and effect relationships.

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