
Studies on the Role of the Father

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Ross et al (1975) - Study on Fathers Changing Nappies

Research aim: To investigate the impact of carrying out caretaking duties on parental attachment.

Illustrative background for Research procedure Illustrative background for Research procedure  ?? "content

Research procedure

  • A correlational study, measuring number of nappies changed and strength of attachment.
Illustrative background for Results & conclusion Illustrative background for Results & conclusion  ?? "content

Results & conclusion

  • Results:
    • A positive correlation was found between the number of nappies changed and the strength of the father/child attachment.
  • Conclusion:
    • The more time a father spends engaged in care giver activities, the stronger the attachment will be.
Illustrative background for Evaluation Illustrative background for Evaluation  ?? "content


  • Strengths
    • Easy to replicate.
    • Practical applications for parenting and forming an attachment.
  • Limitations
    • Lacks temporal validity – more fathers change nappies than they did in 1975 (role of fathers and attitudes have changed).
    • Correlations cannot show cause.

Caldera (2004) Study on 60 Fathers & Mothers

Research aim: To investigate the impact of carrying out caretaking duties on parental attachment.

Illustrative background for Research procedureIllustrative background for Research procedure ?? "content

Research procedure

  • 60 fathers and mothers of 14-month old infants independently described their child using the 90-item AQS (Attachment Q-set) and completed questionnaires about their involvement in and attitudes toward child-rearing.
Illustrative background for Results & conclusions Illustrative background for Results & conclusions  ?? "content

Results & conclusions

  • Results:
    • When fathers were engaged in caretaking activities, they were much more likely to report a strong attachment bond with their child.
    • There was a high concordance rate (agreement) between the mother’s and father’s AQS responses.
  • Conclusions:
    • The more time a father spends engaged in care giver activities, the stronger the attachment will be.
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  • Strengths
    • Easy to replicate.
    • Practical applications for parenting and forming an attachment.
  • Limitations
    • Demand characteristics and social desirability in responses to questionnaire.

Van ljzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988)

Research aim: To investigate attachment styles in different cultures using Mary Ainsworth’s Strange Situation.

Illustrative background for ProcedureIllustrative background for Procedure ?? "content


  • A meta-analysis of 32 cross-cultural studies of attachment.
Illustrative background for Conclusion Illustrative background for Conclusion  ?? "content


  • Although secure attachment was the most common types, there are cultural variations which may be explained by child rearing styles rather than attachment problems.
  • Therefore, the Strange Situation does appear to be culturally biased towards Western child rearing practices.
Illustrative background for Evaluation Illustrative background for Evaluation  ?? "content


  • Strengths
    • Strange Situation is a useful diagnostic tool.
  • Limitations
    • Apart from USA, very small samples, so cannot generalise.
    • Variations within cultures greater than between cultures.
    • Not suitable for studying cross-cultural variations as based on Western ideals.

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