
Biological Explanations: Studies

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Stunkard et al (1986) - Adoption Studies and Obesity

Stunkard et al (1986) investigated genetic factors in obesity through adoption studies.

Illustrative background for ProcedureIllustrative background for Procedure ?? "content


  • Case study.
  • 540 Danish adoptees were classified into four groups: thin, median weight, overweight and obese.
  • These were then compared with their biological and adoptive families.
Illustrative background for Results & conclusions Illustrative background for Results & conclusions  ?? "content

Results & conclusions

  • Results
    • There was a strong relationship between weight of biological parents and adoptees and no relationship between adoptive parents and adoptees.
  • Conclusion
    • This shows a strong genetic element in obesity and that environment may be less important.
Illustrative background for Evaluation Illustrative background for Evaluation  ?? "content


  • Strengths
    • Large sample.
    • In depth and detailed.
  • Limitations
    • Cannot generalise from case studies.
    • Individual differences.
    • Genes are not destiny, might just increase risk of obesity.

Hetherington and Ranson (1940)

Hetherington and Ranson (1940) investigated the effects of ventro-medial hypothalamus (VMH) lesioning in rats.

Illustrative background for ProcedureIllustrative background for Procedure ?? "content


  • Procedure
    • Laboratory experiment.
    • Rats had the ventro-medial hypothalamus in their brains destroyed.
  • Results
    • The rats with lesions in the VMH had much higher food and water intake levels than rats without lesions and became very obese.
  • Conclusion
    • Demonstrates the importance of the VMH in regulating hunger and thirst.
Illustrative background for EvaluationIllustrative background for Evaluation ?? "content


  • Strengths
    • Controlled, reliable experiment.
    • Practical applications.
  • Limitations
    • Cannot generalise from animals to humans.
    • Ethics.

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