
Definitions of Abnormality 2

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Failure to Function Adequately

A more practical definition of abnormality is to look at whether a person can function adequately in terms of looking after themselves and living life to the full.

Illustrative background for DefinitionIllustrative background for Definition ?? "content


  • Defining abnormality as failure to function adequately means identifying whether someone is coping in the workplace, has healthy relationships, and can cope with everyday life.
  • Often, it includes an assessment of whether the person is engaging in actions that risk harm to themselves or others.
Illustrative background for WHODAS scaleIllustrative background for WHODAS scale ?? "content

WHODAS scale

  • To assess functioning, some psychologists and other clinicians use the World Health Organisation's Disability Assessment Schedule 'WHODAS':
    • The WHODAS has questions about daily difficulties such as concentrating on something for ten minutes, getting dressed, or dealing with people you do not know.
    • Problems on these activities are rated on a scale of 1 (no difficulty) to 6 (extreme difficulty or cannot do it at all).
Illustrative background for Objective measurementIllustrative background for Objective measurement ?? "content

Objective measurement

  • As a definition, failure to function adequately is reasonably objective. It has the advantage that functioning is the basis on which a person may decide to seek help from a professional.
Illustrative background for LimitationIllustrative background for Limitation ?? "content


  • But there is a question of whether this definition allows people sufficient choice over how they live their lives.
    • For example, people may decide that they don’t want to have a job or relationships, and they may enjoy risky behaviour.

Jahoda (1958) - Conditions of Ideal Mental Health

Jahoda devised 6 elements of optimal living.

Illustrative background for **Jahoda's (1958)** 6 conditionsIllustrative background for **Jahoda's (1958)** 6 conditions ?? "content

Jahoda's (1958) 6 conditions

  • Self-attitudes: having high self-esteem and a strong sense of identity.
  • Personal growth and self-actualisation: the extent to which a person develops their full capabilities.
  • Integration: such as being able to cope with stressful situations.
  • Autonomy: being independent and self-regulating.
  • Having an accurate perception of reality.
  • Mastery of the environment: including the ability to love, function at work and in interpersonal relationships, adjust to new situations and solve problems.
Illustrative background for Evaluation of theory Illustrative background for Evaluation of theory  ?? "content

Evaluation of theory

  • Strengths
    • Positive approach.
  • Limitations
    • Unrealistic criteria.
    • Suggests mental health is the same as physical health.
    • Cultural relativism.

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