
Evaluation of Piaget

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Evaluation of Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development

Piaget was massively influential in the study of child development. But as with any theory, there were critiques.

Illustrative background for Strengths - cultural validityIllustrative background for Strengths - cultural validity ?? "content

Strengths - cultural validity

  • A strength of Piaget’s theory was the fact that it was cross-cultural.
  • Studies conducted in other countries with different ethnicities showed similar results.
  • Children from all over progressed through his four stages in similar ways.
Illustrative background for Weaknesses Illustrative background for Weaknesses  ?? "content


  • Weaknesses of Piaget’s theory include:
    • Underestimation of abilities.
    • No reference to teaching or practice.
    • Questionable methodology.
    • Underestimation of the importance of language.
Illustrative background for Underestimation of abilitiesIllustrative background for Underestimation of abilities ?? "content

Underestimation of abilities

  • For several of the skills, Piaget underestimated the skills of the children.
  • For example, the Naughty teddy study (McGarrigle and Donaldson (1974)), showed that younger children could in fact understand conservation.
Illustrative background for No reference to teaching or practiceIllustrative background for No reference to teaching or practice ?? "content

No reference to teaching or practice

  • Piaget states that teaching and practice would not push the children through the stages any faster.
  • But teaching can move the children through the stages faster.
  • For example, the teaching of algebra (an abstract and complex skill), can be taught to younger children in the concrete operational stage.
Illustrative background for Questionable methodologyIllustrative background for Questionable methodology ?? "content

Questionable methodology

  • Piaget recorded results via observation and interviews (qualitative data).
  • Qualitative data can be subjective due to bias.
  • So his methodology has been called into question.
Illustrative background for Importance of languageIllustrative background for Importance of language ?? "content

Importance of language

  • Finally, Piaget believed that for language to develop, cognitive development must happen first.
  • Other psychologists such as Vygotsky disagreed.
  • Vygotsky, opposing Piaget, did think language was important for cognitive development.

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