
Content Analysis (A2 only)

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Content Analysis

Depending on the type data, it must be analysed accordingly. Quantitative data is mostly analysed using statistical tests. Qualitative data is analysed using either content or thematic analysis.

Illustrative background for Qualitative dataIllustrative background for Qualitative data ?? "content

Qualitative data

  • Qualitative data cannot be analysed using statistical tests because it is not numerically based.
  • Qualitative data can be collected through methods such as interviews and open-ended questionnaires.
  • Because the data is word rather than number based, it is analysed through either content or thematic analysis.
  • Both forms have advantages and disadvantages.
Illustrative background for Content analysisIllustrative background for Content analysis ?? "content

Content analysis

  • Content analysis tries to quantify (put into numbers) qualitative data.
  • Essentially, all the detail is broken down into either categories.
  • By breaking the data down into categories, the data can be more objectively analysed.
Illustrative background for MethodIllustrative background for Method ?? "content


  • Rather than looking at the entire collection of interviews/transcripts/etc., a representative sample of the qualitative data is taken.
  • The data then is analysed according to coding units.
    • Coding units are another way of saying categories.
  • It is crucial that the coding units are operationalised.
  • Operationalising improves the validity and reliability of the results.
Illustrative background for __Gunderson et al. 2014__ exampleIllustrative background for __Gunderson et al. 2014__ example ?? "content

Gunderson et al. 2014 example

  • In a study on parental praise (Gunderson et al. 2014), coding units were established to determine positive praise vs neutral statements vs criticisms made by parents to their children.
  • The conversations between parent and children were recorded so they could be content analysed according to predetermined coding units of praise/neutral/criticism.
Illustrative background for Method cont.Illustrative background for Method cont. ?? "content

Method cont.

  • The data is then analysed according to these coding units - either examining how often or how much these coding units are used.
  • Finally, once the frequency or amount of coding units has been collected, statistical tests can be carried out.
  • These statistical tests can either be descriptive or inferential.

Content Analysis Evaluation

Qualitative data is analysed using either content or thematic analysis.

Illustrative background for StrengthsIllustrative background for Strengths ?? "content


  • Strengths of this method include:
    • Content analysis allows for statistical tests to be applied.
    • The coding system can establish clear patterns in the data.
    • It is relatively inexpensive.
Illustrative background for Strengths cont. Illustrative background for Strengths cont.  ?? "content

Strengths cont.

  • If the coding system is properly set-up, other scientists can easily apply the same system to repeat studies.
    • This improves replicability.
  • As participants aren’t involved in the analysis section, there are fewer ethical issues.
Illustrative background for WeaknessesIllustrative background for Weaknesses ?? "content


  • Weaknesses of this method include:
    • Qualitative data is rich in detail. This method reduces the level of detail when creating coding units.
    • When the coding units are first established, there can be a certain degree of subjectivity.
Illustrative background for Example - coding parental praise/criticismIllustrative background for Example - coding parental praise/criticism ?? "content

Example - coding parental praise/criticism

  • For example, when coding the parental praise vs parental criticism, someone could be subjective about what is actual praise and what are more neutral or critical statements.

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